My Marshmallow
Saying for the Day: Stuffed monkeys are a man's best friend.
As I write this blog a little stuffed monkey looks down on me from the top of my computer.
He is a gift from a wonderful friend.
I don’t know much about monkeys or how to name them so I have named him after a monkey I saw on a blog.
I decided to call him Marshmallow Jr.
Well I didn’t think Spot would fit nor BoBo.

He is going to watch over me as I write my blog.
Perhaps he will correct my spelling.
He might even help me to make better use of commas.
When I can’t think of a topic I will look to him and I will get inspiration.
I checked and the top of my monitor doesn’t get hot so he should be comfortable.
Stuffed monkeys don’t need much.
He doesn’t require any food or drink.
I will give him lots of love.
Every day I will read my favorite blogs to him and all the nice comments on my blog.
He will be such a happy little monkey.
I know the person who decided to give him to me wants only the best for him.
He might even inspire me to stop procrastinating and send a thank you note.
Perhaps, that’s expecting a bit much from such a little monkey.
But he can do it.
I think he can.
News from Pigeon Falls - the little town in my backyard where the trains still run and old ladies carry shotguns– The woods around Pigeon Falls are beginning to really glow with colors. Soon they will be at their very peak. So the tourists are increasing. Dr, Fortress is bringing in three trains a day for the remainder of the color season. Toivo is running a color tour with a ten passenger van at very reasonable prices. It is a good time for Pigeon Falls.
Nancy says that a lot of the tourists stopping in for coffee and a saffron bun want to know about the White Rabbit and the Dragon. She enjoys telling the best of the White Rabbit tales,
The coach of the New Potatoes says that just because the Trojans haven’t been defeated doesn’t mean they can’t be. He has hopes for his team tonight. When we defeat then they will stop laughing at our name he said. The chance of the New Potatoes winning is not very high but you never can tell.
A week from tomorrow we have the big Pumpkin fest. The committee has heard about some town where they have a contest for people to build catapults and see how far they can throw pumpkins so they are adding that to the contest.
Eino is still waiting on the Bureau of Homeland Security to get some information about the company that owns the Hermit house. He can’t understand why it is taking so long.
Mrs. Trumble is upset because people aren’t letting her know fast enough about White Rabbit appearances. How can she shoot it if she can’t find it. She should get a hunting dog. One of those beagles. They are very good at rabbit hunting.
Bill Maki said he called her the other day when he saw the White Rabbit out by his farm but she wasn’t home. If she wants help she should sit by the phone or get a cell phone.
Link for the Day: Delusions of Sanity- Remember to leave the words Dr. John in the comment to get those singing JCPOINTS. Check HERE for your total.
WE had a good day today. I worked on the coming Marathon. We made preperations for our trip to Hancock tomorrow. I printed out the nine steps of grieving for Esther. I haven't written the tenth one yet. Now we have to figure out how to get them to her. We went to church tonight.
Then we went shopping. Now I need a breathing treatment.