Raven's Challenge 97
My Grandsons are Visiting! I'm happy!

In addition Norman Larson who thought he was out of the races because of some problem with his engine came in on Friday to find the problem gone and the snowmobile better than ever. So far today he has the best time out to the Lake of the Loons and back. He has a substantial lead but the big name company teams have yet to run. In any case he thinks he stands a good chance in tomorrows races.
There is a runor that a romance may be developing between Norman and Samantha.

This Week's Ten Word Challenge will be: teflon, idealistic, marshmallow, opportunistic, kittens, beef, sawing logs, slapped, tickled, scissors
For the mini: ripen, shelve, laminate, goofy, Siamese
The Mega Challenge as
The Ongoing Adventures of Agent 012
The Ongoing Adventures of Agent 012
Agent 012 grabbed the microphone at the party and announced that there was a bomb and that they should leave the building immediately. The people reacted differently. One grabbed a bag of marshmallows and ran out, another took a beef sandwich but a third just stayed in place and started screaming “ We are all going to die”. Agent 012 slapped him and pushed him toward the door. In the process Agent 012 thought “ If I had the time tickled would have worked as well”.
With the party leaving Agent 012 contacted Building Security and had them quickly go floor to floor and get everyone out and as far away from the building as possible. Then he asked to be directed to the office of the most important executive in the building. He was told it was on the top floor , the far right corner.. Agent 012 hastened to the office. There beside the door was the usual mandala showing that the bomber had been here . The question is when is the bomb set to go off? Quickly he entered and scanned the room. There was a scissors shelved above two green tomatoes , probably left to ripen and on that set of shelves a half wrapped , very expensive, Teflon frying pan , probably a gift for some lucky person. Then he saw the kid’s backpack. It had a goofy laminated picture of two Siamese kittens sawing logs. He picked up a chair and threw it through the window. He followed it with the backpack which exploded halfway to the ground. The building was unhurt except for a few broken windows.
Coming out of the office Agent 012 saw a man coming out of the room at the other end of the hall.
“Who are you and why are you still in the building”, Agent 012 asked.
“I’m the janitor and being somewhat opportunistic I had taken the party downstairs as a time to take a nap in the supply room. I just came out to see what the explosion was all about.”, he said.
Agent 012 pulled his gun an an placed him under arrest. “ I can tell from the paint on your hands that you’re the idealistic mandala bomber.” he said. Agent 012 called in support from the Agency. When they checked out the room there was the case with all of the paints needed for the mandala.
Some days things go well for Agent 012
You are blessed with your family! Enjoy your grand kids, I'm sure they will have lots of questions for you..LOL
Oh those rumor mills! Sheeeeeeesh! They never take a minute OFF do they? How COOL that each of the girls got new snowmobiles! Have you heard who the judges chose for the rest of the court? I never heard...
WOW!!! GOOOOO 012!!! What an amazing day that was!
~as you should be...have a wonderful time and savor each moment with them...brightest blessings~
Have fun with your grandsons! Thanks for playing 6WS.
I guess I don't need to wish you Happy SWS--I know you are happy since your grandsons are visiting! Enjoy!
The ravens called you.
You delivered!
Have a great time with the grandsons! Mine are visiting next month from SC. Can't wait! Happy SWS!
Enjoy your grandchildren! So happy for you. Glad Agent 012 had a good day too.
Yay for grandparents!
Good day for you and 012
You are awesome Dr.John.
Agent 012 gets a good day at last! Hooray. Loved the image of Agent 012 tickling someone to get them out of the room - pity indeed that he didnt't have time. Happy weekend to you.
Arn't grandkids wonderful! Snow mobile races, how fun!
How fun! Hope you have a blast...
The Saturday Sphinx
Grandsons are great. Have some fun!
It is nice that Agnet 012 had some breaks for a change -- and especially nice that they weren't all bones and windows.
My six words:
I have a surprise for you!
You will find out Sunday. (No I am not pregnant and it is not that big of a surprise).
I'm all for romance at Pigeon Falls!
Agent 012 is a clever fellow.
And, I'm glad your grandsons are there visiting with you!
Happy 6WS!
Well, I still have to wait for a long time before I can enjoy grandsons visits. Both of my adult children are not married yet.
Yay, Agent 012!
Have fun with your grandsons!
I've been away. Wonderfully glad to see you are in such fine family spirits - you boost my day in so many ways Dr. John :)
I've lost track a bit not keeping up with all ongoing stories for a few weeks. But Agent 012 seems to be in good shape and very alert this week!
Those are happy sounding six words and it's great that you are excited to see them...some grandparents dread it when the grand kids come. I don't have any yet and when and if I do, they will be a four hour drive away so I won't get to see them as often as I want...but that only means we will have to make sure the time we do have together is special.
IWC Aquatimer Buys JFK Omega Watch
The gorgeous albeit rather beaten-up Replica CARTIER Watch worn by President John F. Kennedy when he was inaugurated was auctioned for $340,000.TAG HEUER ending up being the top bidder in the Guernsey’s Dec. 15 of the White collection of Kennedy memorabilia. The replica ROLEX will be in the
IWC Aquatimer Museum in Switzerland next to the first BREITLING watch worn on the moon. After some time in the museum the iwc big pilot will be shown on tour around the United States.
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