Another day , another drawing.

Saying for the day: It's much easier to be a good winner than a good loser.
Today we draw for two regular, priceless (worthless) prizes shown on the left.
Since we clown around a bit on this blog I felt when I saw these two clowns they would make wonderful prizes for our regular drawing.
They are so cute
I really hate to part with them.
But this morning, when she gets up Betty will draw for them.
We will break tradition and print the winning names today.
Since nobody has won the prize box we add to it today .
Since we are giving a Christmas train to run around a Christmas village it occurred to us that whoever wins might not have a Christmas village so today we start them on one by adding the two houses shown on the left.
Since last Monday we have drawn:
Lois on the Web
Of course if Javangogh gets drawn today she gets what’s in the
prize box and that now includes the two houses.
Your chance of being drawn depends on the number of JCPOINTS you have for example:
Sean – Being drawn for the regular prize 1 chance in 2041
On being drawn two days in a row 1 chance in 4,165,681
Chana – Being drawn for the regular prize– 1 in 12
On being drawn two days in a row – 1 in 143
Catch– Being drawn for the regular prize – 1 in 10
On being drawn two days in a row – 1 in 81
Remember Wednesday we run another Marathon and you can run those points up.
But let us never forget this is not about winning but having fun.
But what could be more fun than having lots and lots of JCPOINTS.
Good Luck.
News from Pigeon Falls– the little town in my backyard where dragons fly and White Rabbits wear pink sweaters.
Well! Eino and the Constable entered the Hermit’s House again. They went through his study. They found book after book on the possibility of telleportation including one entitled “Beam me home, Scotty “ by Wiggsfield Arnold. There were also huge rolls of mechanical drawings that looked like the machine in the living room. All the books were marked “Property of Hutchfield Electronics-Chicago, Illinois” as were the rolls of paper. Was our Hermit trying to telleport himself and something went wrong. Or did he succeed and then sent the statue back? There was nothing else that they could find in the house but there was a safe they couldn’t get into. Eino tried calling the company in Chicago but got a recording saying that “Business hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 to 4:00” . I suppose when he calls sometime today he’ll get a recording that says” to inquire about strange stone statues push one”.
The first of the Liar’s club preliminaries is this afternoon at 4:00. Four people are on the agenda. Three men and one woman. If anybody makes it to the next round we will share their story with you tomorrow.
Who is this Monk that is going to lead the Pigeon Day Parade. I thought they were getting a TV star not somebody from a monestary.
Link for today is: Alison Wonderland. Rember to put the words Dr. John in the comment and het 5 usless but cute JCPOINTS. Check your total HERE .
We will hold today's drawing as soon as Betty gets out of bed.
Betty got up to put out the garbage and did the drawing. First for the JCPOINTS Prize Box contents. The name drawn is Catch. Sorry Javangogh . Good luck tomorrow Catch.
Now the two regular prizes go to Bobciz and Starbender. congratulations. You join a select list of winners and can no longer join my losers club.
We worked for a couple of hours downstairs. Then we went up to the church and I got some of the information I needed to do the August website for the church. After that we went to Snyder Drugs in Iron river to get a prescription filled. Just a normal day except it was 102 degrees outside. This can't be the UP. Forget global warming I think we are in global shifting and we have moved far South. Well I need a breathing treatment.