Fourty three years
Saying for the Day: God made him a help mate for him.
Forty three years ago today the most amazing thing happened .
So amazing I still have trouble believing it to be true.
On this day in Marquette Michigan, in a little Lutheran Church called St. Marks, Kathryn Elisabeth Mallmann became my wife.
God knew I would not survive in the task he had given me without her so he sent this angel to sustain me.

Over the years she has been my teacher, my helper, my very best friend, my nurse, my lover, and so much more.
She gave me three of the greatest kids in the world and showed me how to be a nurturing parent to them.
She has always had a greater faith than mine. Her love of God is unswerving.
She is my angel.
Now she is not perfect.
She is not the greatest cook.
She hates house cleaning.
She lacks any organizational skills.
And she does have a temper.
Over the years we have had our fights , which I always lost because I just couldn’t stay mad at her.
Now you need to understand that God would not send a great cook to live with a finicky eater like me.
I am and always have been a meat and potatoes man.
I am sloppy and disorganized .
We are a perfect match.
Most of all she knows my faults.
She knows everything I have hidden from the rest of the world.
Yet, she still loves me.
She hasn’t packed up and left me.
Today I thank God for forty three years of magic. I intend to spend the day thanking her.
That and spending time with the grandkids who have come to rejoice with us.
News from Pigeon Falls– the little town in my backyard where the trains still run.-The White Rabbit hasn’t been seen since Mrs. Trumble said she sent him back to the place he came from. People are looking at Mrs. Trumble in a little different light since the incident. She even made the cover of one of those tabloid papers with a this headline “ Pigeon Falls has its own Buffy” .
Eino called his friend Bree and together they came up with this analysis.
1. Mrs. Trumble shot a demon and he’s gone. Highly illogical .
2. Mrs. Trumble shot a mechanical bunny thus the smoke. Problem with this is where is the bunny and why no residue and no fire.
3. Mrs. Trumble thinks she shot the White Rabbit but the smoke and all is like a magician’s slight of hand . It is all deception. This is possible. A magicians smoke device could explain the lack of residue. But where did the rabbit go? No tracks.
4. Mrs. Trumble is straight out lying . There was no White Rabbit. She made the smoke and shot the stuffed bunny. This makes little sense since she has no reason to lie and when the White Rabbit returns she will have gained nothing.
5. The White Rabbit, as it was dying, slipped back into the other dimension from which it came. Not very believable.
This seems to be all the possibilities unless you can think of another.
Nancy says that most people seem sad to think that the White Rabbit is gone and they don’t see Mrs. Trumble as any kind of hero. A few though see her as a demon slayer. A lot of people are hoping that the White Rabbit will return, only this time it will stay away from Mrs. Trumble.
Link for today: Taking a Sanity Break- You won't believe these pictures-Remember to put the words Dr. John in your comments to get those totally insane JCPOINTS. Check your total HERE.
Yesterday we drew Chana if her name is one of the four we draw today she gets what's in the Prize Box.
Sorry that this post was a bit late but my grandkids are here and I overslept. Betty is making them breakfast so we will draw a bit later.
We finally cut in yesterday's slips and I had my Grandsons do the drawing.
The names drawn are:
Catch..... Sorry Channa (sorry Bree) - Good luck Laurie, Andrena, Kristen and Catch if one of you is drawn tomorrow you get the prize box.
It was a wonderful day. I played some computer games with the boys. They of course play better than I do. They went swiming at the state park in the afternoon. Betty and I put off going out for the anniversary until tomorrow night. Watched some tennis with Patrick. It was just nice to have some of the family here. Well I need a breathing treatment.