Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A Dieters nightmare

Saying for the day: you are what you eat.

All over the net are people who are on diets.
They need to cut back their calories.

Often they have to eat out.
I have made up a list of things you might like to eat on one of these trips.

What I would like you to do is to either reorder the list from lowest calorie to highest.
Just put the numbers in the comment ( like 1,7,9,5,4,6,8,10,2,3) .
Or if that’s a bit too hard just tell me what you think is the highest calorie food and which is the lowest.

1. McDonald’s Deluxe Breakfast

2. Burger King’s Triple Whopper With Cheese

3. Taco Bell Fiesta Taco Salad

4. Pizza Hut Stuffed Crust Meat Lover’spie, 2 slices,

5. Cinnabon Caramel Pecanbon .

6. Boston Market chicken pot pie .

7. Subway Double Meat Classic Tuna, ,.

8. Domino’s ExtravaganZZa Feast .2 slices

9. KFC The Mashed Potato Bowl With Gravy .

10 .Dairy Queen Caramel CheeseQuake Blizzard

I will publish the reordered list with the calories on Friday.

Get all ten in the right order and you earn the title “ Top Diet Food Expert”
Get 8 or 9 right and you earn the right to be called “ Diet Food Expert”
Anything else and you earn the right to the title “ Gainer of Weight

Have fun but don’t eat too much.

News from Pigeon Falls– the little town in my backyard where trains run and dragons fly- Robert only has a few weeks left of the taxi business before he has to go back to college. I wonder what Eino will do with the taxi then.
Nancy had a great week during the old timers theme. She even made her saffron buns in the traditional Swedish shapes for St. Lucias day. She shared the history of each bun over tea or coffee.
One of the other things that Nancy made for the week were currant cookies. You can hardly get those any more. People don’t cook like they used to and Keebler’s elves don’t make them.
Somebody saw Donna Bergall at the Kivi & Maki store today and asked how her Aunt Dorothy was. Donna smiled and said “ I don’t have an Aunt Dorothy”. She sure tells good stories about an Aunt she doesn’t have.
Eino thinks its time to put an end to this White Rabbit and Dragon nonsense. They can not exist and so there has to be a reason for them appearing. He was ignoring it but now he is afraid his non-existent dragon is going to set something on fire. He is also worried that Mrs. Trumble will shoot somebody by mistake. He is thinking of asking Bree to come back and help him solve the mystery. While he decides on that he has been watching the video of the dragon over and over looking for some clue . He has also been interviewing people who saw the dragon on Saturday. HE wants to know where they were standing and what they saw. Some knew right where they were standing and pretty much what they saw. But others like Tommy could remember what they saw but had no idea where they were standing.

Link for the day: A Twist of Humor- Please remember to put the words Dr. John in the comments to get those elfish JCPOINTS. Check your JCPOINTS HERE.
Yesterday we drew Mimi . If we draw her again today she gets what's in the PRIZE BOX.
If not then tomorrow we do a 3 for. WSe will draw three names and if any of them match's today's draw then she or he gets the PRIZE BOX.
NOw we wait for Betty to get up and do the drawing.

Betty is up. I have cut in the names from yesterday. we shake up the basket. Betty draws,


the name drawn is W.J. St. Christopher . Sorry Mini ( sorry Bree)If her name is one of the three we draw tomorrow then she gets what's in the Prize box.Good luck W.J.
Betty went to Tops. I worked on the outside layout. when she came home we worked on it together. We have almost finished the entrance way to the amusment park. We can't remember where we put the extra people taht we need to stand in line.
Police stopped by and offered to buy our unused pool shell . We were glad to sell it. He also daid that there was some interest in the house. That's more than I'm hearing from my real estate agent . I also finished the last car in the fantasy train. I may put pictures of it up on Saturday. Then again I may not. I need a breathing treatment.
God Bless You All


Blogger Janets Planet said...


Regardless of the list's outcome, I am still a gainer of weight!

4:33 AM  
Blogger Cindy said...

Just wild guesses here as I already know I qualify as a "gainer of weight"- 2,1,6,4,9,10,8,5,3,and 7.

4:36 AM  
Blogger Louisiana said...

this should be interesting. i'm afraid of what tittle i will end up with.

some of these things we don't have the KFC mashed potatoes. i often see them in us stations commercial and wish they bring them here but nope..i love my mashed potatoes, one of my all time favorite and easy on the stomach things for me to eat...

Okay, here it goes:
Eino should just keep the taxi for Robert. When he comes home in the holidays and such he could just make a few bucks..And of course they should bring the great Bree back. she will have all this packaged up in some logical explanation in no time.
Nancy has a thriving business. Glad she is doing something she loves.
I will be going to British Columbia for 5 days starting tomorrow. we leave before dawn so i will miss a few of your post and for that i'm sorry. we are taking the kids on a mini trip to go visit the Vancouver aquarium and for them to see what the ocean looks like. i shall be back asap and will look forward to reading on what i missed.

thank you for the support you always give me. it makes me feel so good. you are most kind and charitable, i thank you.

about the lady we have all prayed for, a dear friend of mine send me an email asking for prayers for this lady in the intensive care..she is not someone i know personally. my friend got word that she was in real trouble and felt she needed extra help..there are no updates yet as to her condition but as soon as i know i will pass it on. thank you for adding yet another soul to your prayer list. i know i am always asking for more names to be added to it and therefore keeping you even more so busy.

i hope you and Betty have a wonderful next few days. please take care and know how you are both so loved and appreciated. will read you as soon as i get back.

4:42 AM  
Blogger Margaret said...

Although I'm not counting calories only carbs, and wanting calories for they are "energy" when they have no carbs to burn they start burning up stored fat cells. I'll give it a good guess. (2, 9, 4, 8, 10, 7, 1, 6, 5, 3.)

I'll take a #2 minus the bun!

Wow, is it Wednesday already? Where did the time go?

5:59 AM  
Blogger Lori's Minute said...

Man I am really hungry right now and it is too early in the day for me to vote so I may try later in the day.

6:05 AM  
Blogger Charlene Amsden said...

I am not doing the list! Just reading about all that food made me gain weight!

6:43 AM  
Blogger B.R.L said...

I can't guess we are working on names for our town maybe the white rabbit came from my town he - he :@

7:24 AM  
Blogger B.R.L said...

okay i will try . from least to greatest


7:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

of course I am going to post the sermon..and I love that photo of you in your clerics! Did I thank you for the refrig magnet??? If not, thanks bunches!!! now...gotta get busy on that sermon..

10:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sheesh! We don't get half of those things over here, but they all look pretty calorific to me.

10:27 AM  
Blogger Margaret said...

Whoops! From lowest to highest, gotta turn my numbers around:
(3, 5, 6, 1, 7, 10, 8, 4, 9, 2)

1:54 PM  
Blogger QUASAR9 said...

You don't look a day over 50
or is that a doctored photo?
or good eating & healthy living!
or healthy eating & good living!

2:42 PM  
Blogger Chris Smith said...

I won something??? Woo hoo! Sorry I haven't been around lately. I've missed you guys, but things are hectic and busy around here so I'm trying to simplify my life right now as much as possible. Thanks for you and Betty both checking in on me!

5:30 PM  
Blogger Jo said...

Omigosh, is there a highest and lowest calorie count in this list? I would imagine any one of these things would be the total calories for one day.

I couldn't even begin to guess the correct order. I will be interested to find out.


6:23 PM  
Blogger Catch said...

I dont know the answers but Ill have 1 of everything on the list!

8:09 PM  
Blogger RobDares said...

Hey Doctor John, I apologize for asking this in the comments box, but I couldn't see a contact box. However, how do I get in the running to be considered the link of the day?

8:09 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think the order you list them in is correct except the subway tuna would be in 10th place.

For those of you out their that think if you eat a salid your good and now the Mcdonalds has a asian chicken salad you got a healthy choice. I tried this salid and yes it was yummy. I finnly found something I could pick up when I was lazy that I like and would be good for me right. ha

I friend at work said lets look at this he looked up it up. It was scary.

A double quarter pounder with cheez is 510 cal, and 1150mg of sodium thats on a 7 oz serving size.

A salid 12.7 oz has 390 cal, and 890mg of sodium. So Mcdonalas can even turn a healthy salid into something not so good for you. Now if you take the chicken off the salid. Your sodium drops to 35mg's and the cal drop to 140 but I like the chicken. Man they should sever this salid at bars for happy time drink sales would tripple. What are they doing to the chicken that it has 800 some mg of sodium ? If you bought fresh chicken at the market and grilled it you would have in a 104 g-wt seveing 70mg of sodium.

12:30 AM  

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