A Tea Train

Last summer Betty and I went to the National Large Scale Train Show in Chicago.
There we saw a fantasy train.
This is a train that you will never see in the real world. It has no prototype.
It is just a fun train from one’s imagination.
Since then we have worked on three fantasy trains.
Pictured here is the engine from our latest effort. Click on the picture to enlarge.
We call it a Tea train. The rest of the train will have cups and saucers.
We ran it on the outside layout and it runs very well.
It is not designed as a work of art but just something to have fun with.
We have a lot of great ideas but not very much talent.
News from Pigeon Falls – The little town in my backyard.– Bree told Eino, today, that she is pretty sure who the pigeon killer is . She will go over it with him tomorrow.
It can’t come to soon as there was another dead pigeon today and it looks like it was run through a threshing machine.
No news on the constitution stealer .
In two weeks the Circus is coming to town and posters went up all over town today. It will set up in the big field just on the edge of town.
Its far enough out some people might need our new taxi service. Robert sure hopes so as he isn’t doing very well. Only a couple of fares a day.
You can tell the fourth is coming because you can hear firecrackers exploding off and on all day. They are illegal of course but that doesn’t bother anybody. Our constable hasn’t arrested anybody for fireworks violations since Billy Orchard sent that rocket through Mrs. Henrie’s window.
Last Lutheran is thinking of building a float for the Pigeon Day parade. Everybody thinks it’s a good idea. The problem is getting people to work on it. Nobody seems to have the time. Its not like the old days.
The Link for today is Happy Memories. Remember to put the words Dr. John in the comment for those usless JC points.
In the morning we put the last vase in the mountain and rocked it in. Then we finished the ticket office. That's two done. In the afternoon we met with the real estate people and listed the house. Then Bree and Betty went sswiming. I began working on the July website for the Church.
Well I need a breathing treatment.