The Contest

I thought it was pretty simple and easy to understand.
As usual I was wrong.
I have Melli wandering around wondering if she can get more than one chance a day. The answer is no!
Rule 1:- Every day you leave a comment you get one and only one entry for that day.
But the entries in the bucket grow as you comment from day to day increasing your chances.
So here is a picture of the bucket they go into next to my desk.
The names are on pieces of paper like this.
Every morning when Betty gets up she draws one name.
If your name is drawn two days in a row you win what is in the treasure chest.
You can see what that is by clicking on the treasure chest in the left margin.
That brings us to Cherie who noticed that I hate the book I’m giving away.
She is right I do.
If you also dislike the author and you win I will substitute a different pre-read book for it.
One that I like.
So let me recap. Every day Betty will draw a name from the bucket shown above.
If that name matches the one drawn the day before that person wins the treasure chest.
Otherwise the drawn name becomes the one to be matched tomorrow
I really hope you are a luckier bunch than I had last time.
Since I add at least three new priceless objects to the treasure chest every week it begins to get heavy.
Last time it took seven weeks and cost me a fortune to ship.
But then when Betty gets up it could be won today.
None of the group that is waiting for the great battle has been sleeping well. They have had bad dreams and nightmares. They really wish the battle would happen soon.
Herman is worried about Pastor Joan so he had a bed put in the room that used to be the Intern office back when Last Lutheran had an intern. The old desk has been pushed into a corner. The bed has a clean sheets and a comfortable pillow. If Pastor Joan goes into labor at the church there is now somewhere for her to have the baby rather than on a table in the fellowship hall or a desk in her office.
Tommy UK is beginning to wonder if the man in black is coming. He expected him to be here by this time. They would certainly feel better if he was ready to meet the aliens with them.
When will they come? That question is being asked over and over even as they plan in detail what they intend to do.
Today Tommy UK stayed home from school. He persuade his mother to tell the school he was sick with flue like symptoms. He couldn't concentrate in school in any case.
And the name Betty drew yesterday is Mama Zen. If she draws it again today Mama Zen gets what is in the treasure chest.
We will announce the drawing right after it occurs.
Betty has arrived in the office and drawn a name.
Sorry Mama Zen it wasn't yours.
The person whose name was drawn and who will receive what is in the treasure chest if it is drawn again tomorrow is