Our Year

The Official End of Year Letter
of John & Betty Linna
throw a single pass for the Green bay Packers.
win a single Nascar race.
finish a major golf tournament.
get to sing on National Television
win the Publisher’s Clearing House Giveaway
write a novel.
appear on Dancing with the Stars.
take up cooking as a hobby.
color her hair green.
hit a buffalo while driving ( or walking either)
take up sky diving.
learn to shop quickly.
plow the driveway.
swim across Lake Michigan.
In 2007 John did:
Get a battery powered scooter for shopping.
Get a chairlift for riding to the basement.
Get two new Doctors.(one for one lungs, one for everything else)
Keep an almost daily blog.
Play with his grandkids.
Take daily breathing treatments.
Get an expensive hearing aid ( he still doesn’t listen well)
Betty did:
Join a Bible Study
Walk the dog ( a lot)
Vacation in Door County ( Just the women)
Wrap eBay packages ( and take them to Post Office)
Have surgery on both eyes.
Take grandkids on little adventures.
Go shopping with Pennie.
In 2007 John and Betty together did :
sell the house in Crystal Falls.
bring their furniture from Crystal Falls.( Two trucks and two vans)
move into their side of the duplex.
install a back door deck.
organize the junk they brought from Crystal Falls.
join St. Mark’s Lutheran Church.
stay with Pete and Lori’s kids while they went to a conference.
start a new train layout in basement ( never to end)
put up a small Christmas tree ( sad little thing)
visit two big train shows ( Green Bay and Milwaukee)
go with Pennie to an Art Show, ( Culture)
go to latest Harry Potter movie. ( More culture)
stay home a lot.
So another year ends.
We wish you all a truly blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with the love of God.
News from Pigeon Falls– The little town in my garage where the trains still run and people party– Tonight is the big night. The Fly Inn has its big party. They have even rigged a big Pigeon egg to drop from the roof right at 12:00. It’s not a big apple but it’s the next best thing made possible by small town creativity. One expects people will leave their own parties and fill the main street to see this unique event. It will be just like New York. Bob Johnson, the owner of the Fly Inn is doing everything possible to make sure it works. They plan on testing it at least twice today.
Last Lutheran is having a prayer service tonight from eleven to twelve. People should get out just in time to see the egg drop. From past experience, though, there won’t be many people at the service.
There will be small party , tonight , at the old Jupola place. Toivo and Eino and their families will gather there as they did when old Mr. Jupola was alive. They keep up the tradition. Pigeon Falls is very big on tradition.
One wonders if the dragon will show up and start a new tradition. That is , of course, a possibility. The White Rabbit could also make an appearance. A good night for Mrs. Trumble to go demon hunting.
A new year is coming for Pigeon Falls. Will it finally bring a solution to the White Rabbit and the Dragon mystery? Will there be more common dreams? Will endless winter return? Will Petrovioch astound us with a new old driblet? Will Mrs. Trumble leave to start a new carer in wrestling? Will Tommy UK prove to be the Undertaker's kid? Will Pigeon Falls become the location for the "Murder in the Sauna" movie?Will there be a murder in the sauna? Will the poltergeist leave Pigeon Falls for the big city? Will the pigeon return? Will any of these questions ever get answered ? Only the new year will tell.
Today's Link- No link until January 02, 2008
The last day of the year wasn't too bad. I worked a little on the train layout then joined Betty and we made saffron buns. We used the old family recipe which now both my grandson and my granddaughter know so it will be used for years to come. It makes great saffron buns. Then I visited all my links while Betty and Pennie went grocery shopping. Now I will play a little canasta then have a breathing treatment.