Monday, July 30, 2007

Finland- Page 10

Tervetuloa tiistaiselle suomi-sivullemme

Welcome to Our Tuesday Finland Page

Another language video

Phrase of the day:

Mitä kello on?

What is the time?


A Finnish joke- as told in Finland

How many Finns does it take to change a light bulb?


One to hold the bulb and four to drink enough Kosu (vodka) until the room starts spinning.

@@@@@News from Pigeon Falls-the little town in my garage where the trains still run, dragons fly, and cameras fail.-Some of those with regular cameras have gotten their pictures back ( used the one hour service in Iron Mountain) and they are all the same. Every picture of the dragon is fogged. It is as if it was hit with an extra bright light. No other pictures in the camera were hurt only the dragon pictures. It is doubtful that anybody got a picture.
One of the supermarket papers ( not the one running the contest) carried a picture of the White Rabbit of Pigeon Falls. It looks like the picture the farm boys took with the milk pail touched out. The boys said they never got paid for it and don’t know how it got there.
The “True Gossip” which is the tabloid that is running the contest says that their competition often runs fake pictures and outright lies. While they check and check again to be sure they are getting the truth. They were the ones that exposed the story about the horse with a head on each end as pure fabrication. The other tabloid said it looked real to them.
Mrs. Trumble says that all of this should convince everyone that the dragon is a demon. What else could fog film? One day everybody will wake up and see that she is right.
Petrovich is getting a new addition to his web site ready. He is assuring people that what the old Monk saw all those years ago will bring light to the dragon problem.
During all of this the town was full of tourists with cameras. Nancy sold a lot of coffee and saffron buns. The Fly Inn sold a lot of booze. Wink’s Woods and Kivi & Maki sold a lot of junk.

Today's Link- Journeying- Now your lap top can double as your desk top. Leave a Dr. John in the comment.
Another really dull day. I watched my soaps. Did some blogging. I took a short nap. If that sounds like yesterday it could be that today was a recycled day. I didn't fully use it yesterday so it was carried over to finish it up today. In any case it was dull, dull, dull. Now I need a breathing treatment.

Monday ! So Soon!

It has come to pass still again that we have reached another " Leave A Comment Monday" and you will leave a comment on this and all the blogs you visit by order of the Inner Council of Network Procedures. People who fail to leave comments will have their 609 and 610 forms recalled ( those are the yellow and red forms in your official internet package). You do not want that to happen so leave a comment.

Commentable ( something to comment on)
The little old lady down the street still can't get the health care she needs.
The poor kid on the other side of town can't afford college.
Social Security 's survival is still iffy.
The illegal alien problem continues.
Homeland security is a mess.
We are still in Iraq.
There is no real plan for the next natural disaster .
So lets quit the blame game. Lets stop trying to find people to punish. Lets see congress giving us positive programs in all these areas. I don’t want my tax money spent on impeachment or catching that idiot of an Attorney General. Neither of which will solve any problems . Each of which will waste hours and dollars. I want to see progress on the real problems.
I know it is easier to tear down than to construct. I know you get more time on television reciting Presidential sins. But we don’t need to punish the bad guys we need to do something positive that will help the nation as a whole.

@@@@ News from Pigeon Falls– the little town in my garage where the trains still run, big white rabbits wear pink sweaters, and dragons fly.-Yesterday in the middle of the afternoon Pigeon Fall’s dragon decided to fly up and down main street. There must have been over a hundred people taking pictures. Everybody was looking for that thousand dollars for a good clear picture. And our picture takers used a whole variety of cameras, some digital , some film. Somebody had to get the picture.
When the dragon left, the people with digital cameras looked over their pictures. Every single picture was blurred. The dragon wasn’t moving that fast. But in the pictures you couldn’t really tell if it was a dragon or underdog. It looked like it was flying faster than a jet plane.
There are still the pictures from the film cameras. Perhaps one of those will be clear. In general they had faster lenses and sharper than the digitals. One won’t know until the film is processed.
It could be that dragons are magic and you can’t take their picture.
Petrovich says he could have told them it was a waste of time. He has the usual dribblet to prove it.
Mrs. Trumble says that it proves the dragon is a demon.

Today's Link-Annaig's Fine Art Studio- A really nice watercolor of a little boy. Leave a Dr. John in the comment.
This was such a dull day that it is hardly worth summing up. I saw my soaps. I visited my links. I took a nap. That is just about the day. Wow! Dull! Now I need a breathing treatment.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Who Am I Really?

Who am I ? Really ?
! am the son of Arvid and Edith Linna with some of their characteristics , both by inheritance and by learning.

I am a brother of two very different sisters.

I am a UPer at heart.

I am a husband.
I am a father.
I am a grandfather.

I am a teacher.
I am a preacher.
I am a Doctor of Ministry ( I earned that title)

I am a builder of model railroads.

But most important of all

I am a child of God,
adopted by Baptism,
washed in the blood of the lamb.

@@@@ news from Pigeon Falls-People came to Last Lutheran this morning expecting to hear Pastor Castle but she went back to preach her final sermon at her old parish. Instead they got to hear Terry Langenberg from Crystal Falls. He's an undertaker by trade and a friend of Tommy UK's father. He is a licensed lay preacher. According to Bob Maki he was a bit on the dull side but Ok. Tommy UK skipped church this morning and went fishing. At least that what he told his father he was going to do. Because they expected Pastor Castle to preach attendance was up at Last Lutheran. It was down at the Catholic, Methodist, and Baptist churches. Lots of that fishing going on.
This afternoon the parade committee will meet. They still don’t have a celebrity to head up the big Pigeon Day parade. Two years ago they had Rodney Mc Donald and that turned out very well. Last year they had Pastor Marvel dressed as Captain Marvel from the comic book. But so far they have no leader for this year. Perhaps they could get Pastor Castle to play Joan of Arc.
Vicki East is getting a group of people to sing the Pigeon Falls song on the opening day of Pigeon Days. They are working very hard at making it sound like a romantic ballad.

Today's Link-Life in Student Ministry- Here is a review of the Simpson movie. Leave a DR. John in the comment.
Went to Church this morning. The Bible Camp lead a good part of the service. It was great. The singing was great, the skits were great, it was just great. When we came Home Pat's bunch, Betty, Pennie, and I went to Old Country Buffet for lunch. Then Pat and group left . He is taking them to the other grand parents as a favor to his former wife. In the afternoon Betty, Pennie , and I playe Canasta and Betty won without any trouble. Now I need a breathing treatment.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Pictures of the WEEK

We begin today with a video of Pennie and Bree at the Church"Free Throw" contest.

@@@@@ News From Pigeon Falls- The little town in my garage where the trains still run, dragons fly, and cameras are everywhere.-It would seem that everybody in Pigeon Falls is now carrying a camera. Some magazine from out East has offered a thousand dollars for a clear picture of the White Rabbit or the Dragon. Since you can’t tell when they are going to show up one has to always be ready. People are speculating on the time of day and most likely place to get the picture. Last night there was almost a riot as people tried to be as close to the Gazebo as possible. The dragon, it seems, always to fly up to the Gazebo and then turn around.
The White Rabbit on the other hand always shows up on the other end of the street. One has to choose which picture you want. Of course, one could stand in the middle of the block with a telephoto lens.
A couple of farm boys put a pink sweater on their white rabbit and then took a picture at an angle that made it look bigger. They might have gotten away with it but they didn’t notice the milk pail in the background. They just don’t make milk pails that big.
Petrovich says he has a dribblet that predicted this nonsense. He will soon have it on his web site. It may not be a good omen for Pigeon Falls. But then Petrovich never sees good omens for Pigeon Falls.
Tommy UK says he thinks that the entire thing is a waste of time. If they haven’t gotten a clear picture by now they aren’t going to get one. He has better things to do, like swimming, than try to get a picture of a dragon.
Mrs. Trumble says she wants to picture either one in the scope of dragon slayer. Since they are both demons they will just fog up the film or mix up the pixels if you shoot them with a camera.
Will somebody get a good picture? Will they get the thousand dollars. Are they really demons? How is the swimming at Lake of the Loons. And is Tommy UK really the Undertaker’s Kid?

Today's Link-Far Out World- A very different kind of art. Leave a Dr. John in the comment.
A very good day today. All of my children and grand children were here. Pat grilled. The kids spent a good amount of time in the pool. In the morning Bree and Alex defeated Pennie and Curtis ( the adults) at canasta. I took out enough time to visit two row of my links. Life is good. Now I need a breathing treatment.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Win or Lose it's Friday

It's time for the internet contest that requires no postage and handling fee.
The contest that requires no credit card.
The contest that is very slow at sending out prizes.
The contest that doesn't even require your correct name.
Every Friday we give away priceless prizes to some lucky person who commented on this blog or one of the daily links in the week gone by.

To take part in the contest you must
1: Have commented on at least one entry on this blog in the last week.

For every day that you left a comment we write your name on a slip of paper that is placed in our rose colored drawing bowl. So if you commented every day you could have 7 slips in the bowl.
( The more slips the higher your chance to win)
If you commented on the Link of the Day and put Dr. John in the comment you get one more slip. If you commented on the Link every day that's a total of seven slips.

You could therefore have 14 chances at winning the Priceless Prize.

Next Betty or her designated replacement draws one of those slips and that person wins the Priceless Prize. Which today is COOL MAGIC - 15 magic tricks.

Now if you hate magic or have too much magic you can choose to take what is behind one of the doors. It could be;
2 wonderful rubber bands
2 never used pencils (not even chewed on)
2 Christmas pop-ups.
2 ceramic houses for a Christmas village
One of many other prizes. You pick the door and you take your chance.

Now all we need is Betty to do the drawing. Good luck everybody.

@@@@ News from Pigeon Falls-the little town in my garage where trains still run, dragons fly, and it is almost August The town Council put out the almost final schedule for this year’s Pigeon Days. It as follows:( Changes in red)
August 1-Pigeon Calling Contest-$5.00 entry fee-$1000 prize. (To win pigeon must land on some part of your body)
August 2-Pasty eating contest-$ 12.00 entry fee-$50 prize. (losers pay for their own pasties.) Please note increase in fee because of increase in potato prices
August 1-5 Art on the Lake of the Loon’s Shore was Art on the Yellow Brick Road ( changed because Yellow Brick Road is closed for repair)- local artists and others share their art .
August 13 - 15-Local Variety Show– 3.00 a ticket
August 9- Pigeon Queen Contest- Masonic Hall
August 18- 4k Yellow Brick Road run ( Only if road is repaired in time else will be moved to alternate route but prizes stay the same)- $5.00 to enter -Everyone gets a "I ran on the yellow brick road sweatshirt. Winner gets I reached the Emerald City sweatshirt.
August 19- Community church day- Pastor's exchange pulpits.( Canceled because some pulpits not open to Last Lutheran’s new woman Pastor.)
August 13-19 Old Time week-Local people dress up in the clothes of 90 years ago.
August 15– Spouse carrying contest.
August 25- Pigeon Day Parade- Pigeon Day song by Vicki East
August 28-Potato Judging-Potato Farmer of the Year to be named
August 26-Big Race Day-three Legged Races,Potato sack races, wheelbarrow races and others
Other activities to be announced

Today's Link-The Fantastic Site of Lord Matt- Just in case you want to write a soap opera. Leave a Dr. John in the comment.

My granddaughter did the drawing today

She picked......

Congratulations Nea. There is magic in the air. But if you don't want magic then pick a door.\
It was a pretty good day.It was easier breathing. I worked in cleaning up my links in the morning. I have to finish that yet. Then I watched my soaps. Pat and his boys got here while Pennie, Bree, and Betty were bringing the dog home from the clinic. All the boys had gone to see Harry Potter and enjoyed it. Now I need a breathing treatment.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

It's All About Me

I don’t know how many of you noticed but on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday I didn’t close this blog in the usual way. There was no summary of the day’s dull activities , no I need a breathing treatment, and no GBYA. The reason for that is that I was very sick. I spent most of those days in bed or in the bathroom. I had diarrhea , upset stomach and my breathing was so bad I had to carry oxygen all the time. I missed my soaps ( well not on Saturday and Sunday) Church, and being with Betty when she had her eye surgery. I was able to get to the computer room in the early morning and get the blog entry out but that was it.
Aside from the breathing problems this is something I go through about every two or three months. We think it has something to do with my hernia. The doctors don’t want to operate on it because of my lungs. So I live with it.
But it was not all bad. During this period I won two million dollars in a European contest I never entered, had a Mr. Wang Guangtao, Minister of construction of the People‘s Republic of China ,ask for my help in handling lots and lots of construction money, and was asked to handle the giving away to eradicate poverty over two million dollars by World Vision UK. Am I a lucky guy or what ?
Still I sit here as poor as ever and still slightly sick to my stomach.
Today the dog has surgery to change it from a her to an it and to fix a hernia she was born with. I hope that goes well.
If I feel well enough it is back to working in the basement.

@@@@ News from Pigeon Falls-The little town in my garage where the trains still run, dragons fly, and the answer is here.-It came on the morning mail train. It went from the Post Office to the Church where it sat on the Pastor’s desk until the Chairman of the congregation stopped in . It was the official reply of Pastor Castle. In the proper official language she said that with much prayer for the will of God she was accepting the call to Last Lutheran. She would begin her official ministry on the second Sunday in August. The chairman knew all this before opening and reading the document. She had called him last night and they had begun making plans for her to move into the parsonage. She didn’t have a lot of furniture so they decided that to save the parish moving costs the Parish would borrow a Baumen Egg Truck and send a couple of men from the Building Committee to move her furniture. They joked that they would treat her furniture like eggs. She also said that even though her ministry didn’t officially start until the second Sunday in August that she would be willing to take care of parish needs like funerals.
In a town like Pigeon Falls news of such importance moves quickly. Nancy soon had people coming into her coffee shop and wondering what this meant to Last Lutheran. Several people talked of leaving. They could go to the Baptist Church. It’s new Pastor wouldn’t even let women read the lessons on Sunday morning. The only other choice was the Catholic Church. It allowed no women in the priesthood.

Today's Link-(queenepeachie)- If you like poetry that's what she does. Leave a poetic Dr. John in the comment. ( read the one below today's entry as well . It's worth it.
AI had a pretty good day. I watched my soaps. I visited the last of my active links. I took a picture of the Priceless Prize for tomorrow. We still haven't mailed the prize from two Fridays ago because I've been sick and Betty had surgery so there was nobody to drive it to the Post Office. It is all wrapped up and addressed so soon. Last Friday's Ble Hipp can't go because we still don't have an address. Now I need a breathing treatment.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Fast Forward from Ralph 25-Senior Humor

This is where I share with you some of the E-mail I get from my friend Ralph.

Add Image

News from Pigeon Falls– The little town in my garage where the trains still run, dragons fly, and Eino has a problem– Poor Eino , by accident, he has taught an entire group of kids how to swear in Finnish. He could hope they will forget these words as quickly as they forgot the other words he taught them. But he knows that won’t happen. There is some kind of principle of education that states “ We never forget the things we shouldn’t have learned”. So he is waiting for the first parent to confront him and ask what kind of dirty old man is he that he would teach their son or daughter those kinds of Finnish words.
Tommy UK told Eino not to worry about it. The kids wouldn’t use those words in front of their parents or any adults. He has the promise of every kid. So the class will continue. But their will be no more videos of any kind. Instead Eino has gotten help from the High School French teacher. She has helped him to make up word games with the words they should already know, excluding the swear words. She has also helped him to set up daily contests with prizes where the students shout out the words. Now he has to wait until tomorrow to try them.
There still is no word from Pastor Castle who must be back from Canada by now. You would think she would understand the desire of Last Lutheran to be done with this part of the call process and either get on with her ministry or start the Process over again.
Pastor Castle assumes they understand what a difficult decision this is for her. She has made good friends in her present parish. The Parsonage is old but very livable. She hates the thought of packing everything up and moving. But what she wants to be sure of is what does God want her to do. Is the call a call from God to a new ministry? So she prays and Last Lutheran waits.

Today's Link-Blakkbyrd- A person who cares about art. Leave a Dr. John in the comment.
Well I feel better today. I spent less of the day in bed and in the bathroom. Betty went and saw the Doctor and he said the eye that got operated on is doing very well. I watched my soaps. I visited about half of my links. I'll do the other half tomorrow. Now I need a breathing treatment.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Finland- Page 9

Tervetuloa tiistaiselle suomi-sivullemme

Welcome to Our Tuesday Finland Page

Today's Video- Another Language Lesson

Phrase of the day:-

Saat omenoitani.

You will be able to have some of my apples

Finnish Joke as told in Finland

How can you tell the difference between a Finnish introvert and a Finnish extrovert?

When he's talking to you a Finnish introvert looks at his feet.

A Finnish extrovert looks at yours!

@@@@@News from Pigeon Falls-The little town in my garage where the trains still run, dragons fly, and Eino wants to be a teacher– Eino has long felt that the youth of Pigeon Falls, with Finnish ancestors, should learn Finnish. So this summer he is teaching a class at Last Lutheran. It meets on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9:00 to 10:00. He has fourteen students and has promised them that anyone who passes the test at the end will get a certificate good for $300.00 off on Karl‘s( from the TV station) next trip to Finland. So the students have been really putting some effort into the class. The problem is that Eino is not the best teacher in the world and the Finnish language is not an easy language to learn. )One Finnish word with a funny ending means the same as three English words. In fact you can get a whole long English sentence into two Finnish words.
Tommy UK told Eino that the class was floundering and he needed to get some technical help. Why didn’t he get some Finnish teaching videos from U-Tube. So Eino got four teaching videos. He put the first one on and went for coffee. When he came back all the kids were practicing what they had heard. Eino, however, didn’t like what they were saying. So he let class out early and listened to the video , himself. That’s when he discovered that it was a video on how to talk dirty in Finnish. All the choice phrases were there. He could only hope that they would forget this lesson as rapidly as they had the others but somewhere deep in side he doubted it.

Today's Link- Travel Blog- Just think of having reindeer burgers in Finland-Leave a Dr. John in the comments.

Monday, July 23, 2007

It's Another Mondat

It has come to pass again that we have reached another " Leave A Comment Monday" and you will leave a comment on this and all the blogs you visit by order of the Inner Council of Network Procedures. People who fail to leave comments will have their 609 and 610 forms recalled ( those are the yellow and red forms in your official internet package). You do not want that to happen so leave a comment.

Commentable ( something to comment on)
There is a commercial that I have seen twice on television and once in a movie theater. It is in black and white. It has the feel of a large domino game. There are white creatures and then there are monster white creatures. They live underground. But then come above ground. There one is hit by a red car ( only color in the commercial) which drives off. What in the world is the commercial for?. What am I missing ? Does it do your product any good if people don’t know what it is ?

So leave a comment.

@@@@@ News from Pigeon Falls-The little town in my garage where the trains still run, dragons fly, and Nancy is looking for some horses.– Nancy has this dream of being taken from the Church after her wedding in a white carriage drawn by white horses. Uncle Eino says he can get her a white carriage but the horses are up to her. Now if she had a fairy Godmother then all she would need is a pair of mice but lacking the magic she would have to find a farmer with horses who had some white horses. Further those white horses had to be carriage trained or carriage trainable. Nancy is beginning to think this is an impossible task. But is her dream so she is still working at it.
The carriage which Eino got could us a great deal of touching up. It looks like it went through a civil war battle. Eino has offered to pay Tommy UK to touch it up. Tommy UK has accepted and they moved the carriage to an old barn back of Eino’s house. Nancy saw the carriage when Eino first obtained it. It is not the carriage of her dreams but it will have to do. At least it won’t turn back into a pumpkin.

Today's Link-1 Stop Levity Hotspot- Learn what it means to have a bad day. Then make his better by leaving a Dr. John in the comment.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Laughing at ourselves

One of the wonderful gifts God has given us human beings is the ability to laugh. God has even given us the ability to laugh at ourselves.
I remember a camping trip on the way to Cedar Point. We had a small pop up trailer in which we slept three kids, my mother, Betty and I. We began to get on each other’s nerves and soon Betty and I were hardly speaking and we were snapping at the kids. Just as we thought it couldn’t get any worse the tire on the trailer went flat. But there was a spare so in total gloom I jacked it up, took off the tire and put on the spare. Lowered it back down to discover the spare was flat. That’s when the magic happened. I started to laugh, then Betty laughed, and soon we were all laughing. The ark clouds were pushed away. God’s gift had set us free.
Peter and I drove to the nearest garage they had one trailer tire and only one. It was the right one. It was as if God was saying I had this here for you.
Later Betty and I came across this picture of a boy with a bowl of spaghetti on his head. He was a total mess. Under the picture was the caption “ This is the Day the Lord has made let us be glad and rejoice in it”. From that time on all we had to do to change the way we looked at a bad day was to announce that it was a spaghetti day.
The ability to laugh is such a great gift.

@@@@ News from Pigeon Falls– the little town in my garage where the trains still run, dragons fly, and life goes on– Last Lutheran had a supply Pastor this morning. It was Edgar H. Peterson retired. There still has been no word from Pastor Castle as to the acceptance or rejection of the call. Pastor Peterson was ok but he didn’t use the same form of the liturgy as Pastor Moe and the congregation got lost several times. More than that he had them sit during the singing of the main hymn and everybody knows you are supposed to stand. He did put a few jokes in his sermon and that everybody, except old Martha Maki, really liked.
Nancy and Tommy TW were in church. They are worried that if Last Lutheran doesn’t get a Pastor soon they might have to postpone their wedding. Pastor Moe, had told them that the wedding is on the church calendar and if Pastor Castle turns down the call whatever local Pastor is looking after Last Lutheran will have a Pastor here for the Wedding. But Pastor Moe is gone and now there is nobody to clear things with. So Nancy frets.
There is a new Pastor at the little Baptist Church in Pigeon Falls. Pastor Augustus Turtle. He just arrived when he announced that in keeping with the Bible women will have no leadership positions in this church. Pastor Augustus is very strong on this point. His musical group can’t be lead by a lady. There can be no women on the council. One has to wonder how well he will work with the Lutherans if Pastor Castle comes. They both serve the same Christ.
Will Pastor Castle accept the call. Can Pastor Castle work with Pastor Turtle? Will Pastor Turtle pull his head in and ignore the Lutherans ? Will Nancy and Tommy TW ever get married? And of course is Tommy UK really the undertaker’s son?

Today's Link-Funny Quotes and Jokes- Something funny . Leave a Dr. John in the comment.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Our Week in Pictures

We begin with Dr. John finally packing up last week's prizes.

Then some Grandchildren pictures:

@@@@@@News from Pigeon Falls-the little town in my garage where the trains still run, dragons fly, and the Council has a hard decision to make-
The group that wants to see a casino built next to Pigeon Falls has given the Council until Thursday to decide if they want to sell the land to the Indians .They have three big arguments for the sale.
1. Pigeon Falls is a wonderful place for a casino because of the train service. People could come in a special car, spend the day, and then ride out in the train. The tourist gets both a train ride and a chance to win lots of money. This will help to keep the trains running and benefit local business.
2. The casino will attract people who are coming to the Up to hunt , fish, ski or whatever. With the casino they can do whatever they were coming for and spend a little time in the casino. Thus more tourists.
3. The casino would create jobs.
These are three powerful arguments.
The people who don’t want the sale have their own arguments.
1. Casinos are a tax on the poor. They gamble because they want more and they end up with less.
2. Casinos attract the wrong kind of people.
3. Petrovich says he has a prophecy which says only disaster if a casino is built. And Petrovich is always sorta right.
The Council has until Thursday.

Today's Link-Arnold the Methodical- A short lesson on how to live if you get rich- Leave a Dr. John in the comment.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Win or Lose it's Friday

It's time for the internet contest that requires no postage and handling fee.
The contest that requires no credit card.
The contest that doesn't even require your correct name.
Every Friday we give away priceless prizes to some lucky person who commented on this blog or one of the daily links in the week gone by.
If you left a commement we made a lotto slip with your name on it.( Limit one slip a day per this blog and one slip a day per the link). These are placed in our beautiful rose tinted drawing bowl. Sometime this morning Betty will draw the name of our winner.

Today's Priceless Prize is this beautiful blue Hippo with baby. It is also a bank. A chance to save money in the rare blue hippo.

Now if you already have enough rare blue hippo's or enough banks then you can take what is behind door number one or door number two. That changes every week and we never tell in advance what is the there. It could be;
2 wonderful rubber bands
2 never used pencils (not even chewed on)
2 Christmas pop-ups.
2 ceramic houses for a Christmas village
One of many other prizes. You pick the door and you take your chance.

Now all we need is Betty to do the drawing. Good luck everybody.

@@@@@News from Pigeon Falls-The little town in my gargae where the trains still run, dragons fly , and people are waiting. – Pigeon Falls is waiting to see what the town council will do about selling land to the casino. Members of Last Lutheran are waiting to see if Pastor Castle will be coming as their next Pastor. Mrs. Trumble is waiting for a good shot at the dragon. Tommy UK is waiting for something that will make this the greatest summer ever. Tommy TW ( The Writer) is waiting for just a bit more inspiration to get him over a writer’s block. Nancy is waiting for the big wedding to Tommy TW. Eino is waiting for some answers to the many mysteries of Pigeon Falls. It seems that small town people have a lot of expectations and spend a lot of time waiting.
It as if they lived in a fairy tale and were waiting for the wicked witch or the fairy godmother. No matter how bad or good things get they know that something special is yet to come. So they wait.

Today's Link-The Rocky Mountain Retreat- Funny Cartoon not so funny life. - Leave a Dr. John in the comment.

We decided to let Bree draw today and she has picked:

Patterns of Ink
-Now he needs to let us know if he wants the blue hippo or what's behind one of the doors.

It was a good day. The two dogs are sometimes even funny. My grandkids are enjoyable. I watched my soaps. We got all the boxes out of the basement ( the empty ones). I finally got accepted by Neenah Freecycle. Now I need a breathing treatment.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

It's All About Me

Today’s all about me is made possible by “ Patterns of Ink” who tagged me.
First, the guidelines:1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts. 2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves. 3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. 4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose three people to get tagged and list their names. 5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Now the eight random facts:

1. I’m named after my two grandfathers. “John “ after my Finnish grandfather and “ James “ after my Cornish grandfather.

2. Until I started school I spent almost as much time at grandma Lanyon’s as I did at home.

3. I hate liver.

4. I read every Oz book that Baum wrote. Some of them four or five times.

5. I made an eight foot by three foot wall hanging of the Wizard of Oz. Which I entered in the Iron County Fair.

6. I have hundreds of comic books , each in its own plastic bag and stored in a special box. I never look at them but I can’t let go of them.

7. I lived on a sort of a farm. We had a cow, pigs, chickens, turkeys, geese, and a pony but not all at the same time. I hate geese they are really mean. I entered pigeons in the UP fair.

8. I have an absolute policy of tagging nobody.

What happens when random facts run into the rules? On this blog random facts wins.

@@@@@News from Pigeon Falls-the little town in my garage where the trains still run, dragons fly, and the casino people are back.-Some interested business men stopped in an talked to Mayor Trumble about selling some of the property the Town owns to the Indian tribe. Then the tribe could build a casino which would bring even more tourists to the Pigeon Falls area. The casino would create jobs and enhance the local economy. The property they want used to be a resort until times got tough and the town got it for non-payment of taxes. Mrs. Trumble said she would consider it.
She was on the phone most of the day yesterday talking to mayors and managers of towns which are close to where a casino was built. She wanted to know the problems and the benefits. Eino caught her having a cup of coffee at Nancy’s and reminded her that the town had no police force.
Nancy offered to find out what the local people thought of the idea and quizzed each person that came in for coffee. The Methodist Pastor was against it because he saw it as a tax on the poor. They are the ones who would play with the hope of improving life but in the end they would only lose. Mrs. Pemberthy said that she heard that casinos attract the wrong kind of people. You know, the kind that mean trouble. Fred Stew said that anything that brings money into the community is a good thing.
Will Pigeon Falls get a casino? Will life there be changed forever? Can a casino survive in a community with a poltergeist and a dragon? Is gambling evil.? Will Pigeon Falls have to get a police force? And of course is Tommy UK really the Undertaker’s kid?

Today's Link- Betty Kincaid-An interesting tax proposal.. Leave a Dr. John in the comment.
It has been a good day. Call a call in the morning from the Pastor of United to see if I was coming for the Anniversary celebration. I really wanted to but my health doesn't really allow for a lot of traveling. So I sent an E- mail which I hope will get read at some point. In the afternoon we went to Toys-R-Us so Bree could use the gift cards she got for her birthday. It was fun riding around the store on my scooter. It has been a fun day with the kids. Now I need a breathing treatment.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Fast Forward from Ralph 24

Every Wednesday I share with you something that my friend Ralph has forwarded to me.


An elderly Floridian called 911 on her cell phone to report that her car has been broken into. She is hysterical as she explains her situation to the dispatcher: "They've stolen the stereo, the steering wheel, the brake pedal and even the accelerator!" she cried.
The dispatcher said, "Stay calm. An officer is on the way."
A few minutes later, the officer radios in. "Disregard." He says. "She got in the back-seat by mistake."

Three sisters, ages 92, 94 and 96, live in a house together. One night the 96-year-old draws a bath. She puts her foot in and pauses. She yells to the other sisters, "Was I getting in or out of the bath?"
The 94-year-old yells back, "I don't know. I'll come up and see." She starts up the stairs and pauses "Was I going up the stairs or down?"
The 92-year-old is sitting at the kitchen table having tea listening to her sisters. She shakes her head and says, "I sure hope I never get that forgetful, knock on wood." She then yells, "I'll come up and help both of you as soon as I see who's at the door."

Three retirees, each with a hearing loss, were playing golf one fine March day. One remarked to the other, "Windy, isn't it?"
"No," the second man replied, "it's Thursday."
And the third man chimed in, "So am I. Let's have a beer."

A little old lady was running up and down the halls in a nursing home. As she walked, she would flip up the hem of her nightgown and say "Supersex." She walked up to an elderly man in a wheelchair. Flipping her gown at him, she said, "Supersex."
He sat silently for a moment or two and finally answered, "I'll take the soup."

Two elderly ladies had been friends for many decades. Over the years, they had shared all kinds of activities and adventures. Lately, their activities had been limited to meeting a few times a week to play cards. One day, they were playing cards when one looked at the other and said, "Now don't get mad at me .. I know we've been friends for a long time, but I just can't think of your name! I've thought and thought, but I can't remember it. Please tell me what your name is."
Her friend glared at her. For at least three minutes she just stared and glared at her. Finally she said, "How soon do you need to know?"

As a senior citizen was driving down the freeway, his car phone rang. Answering, he heard his wife's voice urgently warning him, "Herman, I just heard on the news that there's a car going the wrong way on Interstate 77. Please be careful!"
"Heck," said Herman, "It's not just one car. It's hundreds of them!"

Two elderly women were out driving in a large car - both could barely see over the dashboard. As they were cruising along, they came to an intersection. The stoplight was red, but they just went on through. The woman in the passenger seat thought to herself "I must be losing it. I could have sworn we just went through a red light." After a few more minutes, they came to another intersection and the light was red again. Again, they went right through. The woman in the passenger seat was almost sure that the light had been red but was really concerned that she was losing it. She was getting nervous. At the next intersection, sure enough, the light was red and they went on through. So, she turned to the other woman and said, "Mildred, did you know that we just ran through three red lights in a row? You could have killed us both!"
Mildred turned to her! and said, "Oh, crap, am I driving ?"

@@@@@News from Pigeon Falls- The little town in my garage where trains still run, dragons fly, and Wink's Woods has Indian problems- About a month ago Wink's Woods picked up a large cigar store Indian. It is carved in a sitting position holding a box of cigars. Wink's added it to the array of junk that they have out in front of the store. They wanted two hundred dollars for it. Everything seemed ok. There were some offers to buy but nobody wanted to pay two hundred dollars even if it was a " genuine piece of Americana". Then, last Thursday, Mrs. Harvey Squelch , who was in Pigeon Falls visiting a relative, saw it. She is head of her local anti-defamation group in some town near Chicago. She announced that the statue was an insult to all American Indians and that it tended to reinforce stereotypes and so it had to go. Wink’s answered that this was a historic piece and you can’t censor history or art for that matter. Chief Bob Thompson, head of the local Indian tribe said her though it was rather cute and it didn’t bother him. Mrs Squelch, called him a traitor to his race and said that he had failed Indians every where. So every day for the last few days she has been picketing Wink’s with an “Unfair to Indians” sign. Over the entire time not one Indian has shown up to support her. But she says that’s because they are afraid. ( It could also be that Wink’s is one of the big contributors to the local Pow Wow).
The entire confrontation made the National News. It was billed as an Indian uprising ( the press is seldom accurate) and pictures of the statue showed up on national TV. Rossie O’Donnel said that it was a disgrace that in this day and age such things should be allowed in America. Donald Trump said that Rossie just doesn’t understand freedom.
While all this was going on the statue disappeared. Wink’s refuses to comment on it but the rumor is that a big Eastern Collector bought it and paid more that the two hundred dollars for it. The forces of capitalism at work in a small town.

Todays' Link-Motherwise Cracks- Some great helps for text messages on a cell phone. Leave a Dr. John in the comment.
Didn't do much today. Betty worked on cleaning up the pool. I watched my soaps. Betty went for a pre-surgery general check up.I visited most of my links. I left lots of comments. Spent some time telling stories to Bree. Now I'm waiting for my Son Peter, his son Luke and their dog to arrive. After that a breathing treatment.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Finland- Page 8

Tervetuloa tiistaiselle suomi-sivullemme

Welcome to Our Tuesday Finland Page

Today's Video- Another Language Lesson

Phrase of the day:

Se on liian kallis.

It is too expensive.

@@@@News from Pigeon Falls-the little town in my garage where the trains still run, dragons fly, and change comes slowly-Joyce Misal announced that she is not coming back as choir director at Last Lutheran in the fall. Joyce has been the choir director for the last thirty years. In fact it is hard to think of a choir at Last Lutheran and not think of Joyce. So it came as a real shock to the congregation that she was quitting. She choose this time to quit because there was no Pastor to beg her to stay. Poor Joyce has been trying to quit for the last ten years but the Pastor had always talked her into doing one more year. Sometimes, in a small town, it is hard to get out of a volunteer job. But now Pastor Castle will have to find a new choir director if she takes the call to Last Lutheran. When a Pastor leaves more things change than just the Pastor.
Some members of the congregation are hoping that Pastor Castle will bring positive change to the services of the Church. Pastor Marvel used to do a whole variety of things in worship but Pastor Moe is a by the book kind of guy. The book was the Green Book and the service he used from it was dull, dull, dull. So there is some hope that Pastor Castle, if she comes, will bring a more flexible attitude toward worship. Not that they want any of that hand waving, standing, and shouting stuff. Mrs. Eino Maki said she was in a Lutheran Church in Wisconsin where people even spoke in tongues. Now that’s going just too far. What Last Lutheran wants is freedom with dignity.

Today's Link:Daydreaming in Helsinki- A word or two about concerts on Helsinki- Leave a Dr. John in the comment.
Had a good day today. We cut up and bundled most of the cardboard in the basement. The bundles are ready to be picked up for recycling tomorrow. Bree did a lot of dog sitting. I got to watch my soaps. Now Better, Bree, and Pennie have gone out to eat. I need a breathing treatment.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Leave a comment Monday

It has come to pass that we have reached another " Leave A Comment Monday" and you will leave a comment on this and all the blogs you visit by order of the Inner Council of Network Procedures. People who fail to leave comments will have their 609 and 610 forms recalled. You do not want that to happen.

Today's Commentable ( something to comment on):
Do television commercials ever bother you?
There is a commercial that bothers me. It has an Angel changing a light bulb. The first thing I wonder is " With all the trouble in the world why would an Angel be sent to change a light bulb?"
Just think about it. There is poverty , hatred, crime, war, and the list goes on but these Angels come to change a light bulb. Makes no sense.
Then the Angel changes the bulb standing on a stack of toilet paper. He can't reach the bulb so the other Angel with some Angel magic makes the pile bigger . My problem is the Angel has wings why doesn't he just fly up and change the bulb? Wouldn't that make sense? These are not the brightest Angels in the pack.
For the sponsor this is not good because by the time I have all these questions I forget what toilet paper I'm supposed to buy.
Doesn't this bother you?

@@@@@News from Pigeon Falls– the little town in my garage where the trains still run, dragons fly, and churches play games. – The Methodists had their big summer picnic out at the Lake of the Loons Park, yesterday. They challenged Last Lutheran to a softball game and Last Lutheran accepted. They promised that every player in the game would get one of those wonderful Methodist pasties ( the soul food of the UP).
The game started at 2:00 and went five innings with out either side scoring. In the fifth inning with Last Lutheran batting it began to get a bit weird. Vick Lehto hit a ground ball but as the infielder went to scoop it up it bounced over his glove and out into the field. There it fell into a hole and got stuck. The runner ran all the way around and the Lutherans considered it a home run. The Methodists felt that there should be some kind of rule that if a ball gets stuck in a hole that it would be a ground rule double. So they started to shout at each other and then a few blows were exchanged. You really couldn’t tell that these were church people. At just that moment the ball popped out of the hole and rolled into the lake. It had to be the poltergeist at work. So they declared the game a draw. There were apologies all a round and they sat down and ate those wonderful pasties. A true moment of grace.

Today's Link- Just A Lonely Bloke- Bugs bother you. See what's happening here. Then leave a Dr. John in the comment.
This was one of those days where nothing went the way I planned. I planned on cutting cardboard to have it ready for recycling on Wednesday. I didn't cut one piece. Instead I overslept.Then we went out for lunch to Perkins. Then Pennie, Bree and I sat in the Doctor's office while Betty had the last of the exams she needed for her upcoming eye surgery. We spent two hours in the Doctor's Office.Then we went to see the New Harry Potter Movie which I very much enjoyed. I came home and visited every blog on my main link list. Now I need a breathing treatment.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Suprise- The Pope is Roman Catholic

I read the latest blog entry from The Rev. Dr. Kate which consists of an open letter to Pope Benedict. Dr. Kate is very upset with the Pope’s latest pronouncement in which he says that only The Roman Catholic Church is the Church. All other Christian groups are “ wounded communities”. This upset Dr. Kate. So I felt a need to do some research. First I went and read
the original pronouncement. You can find a significant portion of it HERE . Then I read what others were saying about it. This ranged from reminding people that the Pope was once a Nazi to my favorite “ Surprise –The Pope is Roman Catholic”.
Having done that much reading I can now offer you my opinion on the Pope’s action. I applaud it. Not because it is right. If I thought it was right I would be Roman Catholic. No, I applaud it because it is honest. We live in an age where people have begun to believe that one should lie for the common good. The Ecumenical movement is full of non-speak. Leaders say things designed to irritate no one. This gives an impression that churches are moving closer together when they aren’t. But for us really to come together we have to start with who we really are or who we consider ourselves to be. The Pope see the Roman Catholic Church as the one true church. We need to know that. We need to talk to his church knowing what they really believe and not what we want them to believe.
There are those who say they know Roman Catholics who believe that other Christian communities are also Church. That may be true but the Pope by his pronouncement has reminded us that there is only one voice inside the Catholic Church that counts and that’s the voice of the Pope. He has all the power and we need to know what he believes not what we want him to believe. Truth is better than fiction.
The Ecumenical movement will not die because of this pronouncement. If anything it will grow stronger.
Do I feel insulted by the Pope’s pronouncement. No. He is what he is and I am what I am. But in the Ecumenical world at least he’s honest.

@@@@ News from Pigeon Falls– the little town in my garage where the trains still run, dragons fly, and Last Lutheran waits for an answer.– Pastor Moe is preaching his farewell sermon to Last Lutheran today. He has been named interim Pastor at another parish. So even if Pastor Castle turns Last Lutheran down Pastor Moe is gone. Today he told them that he enjoyed his ministry at Last Lutheran. One has to wonder if that is the truth considering all that happened to him over the year or so he was here. He was turned upside down by a poltergeist that he refuses to admit exists. He was a Catholic Priest in “The Dream”. He got some anonymous letters telling him how much “everyone hated him”. This has not been an easy year for him. But he stood in the pulpit and told them he enjoyed his time with them and that they were a wonderful congregation. Pastors must be very flexible .
After the service they had a going away coffee for Pastor Moe. They gave him some very nice gifts to remember them by. These included the Poltergeist meets the Dragon comic book and a I survived the Dragon sweat shirt. He also got some cards with money in them but not much. It had all the form of celebration but not much of the feel.
The congregation now waits to hear from Pastor Castle. She is on a camping trip with the youth group of her present parish. They have to wait for her to come back to get any indication of what she is thinking. Some are afraid that the fact that she went on the camping trip means she is not going to come to Last Lutheran.

Today's Link- Dialectic Tension- A good blog about love - Leave a Dr. John in the comment.
We went to Church this morning. We had a guest preacher. I got to have coffee with her after the service. She runs a retreat program. She uses the Catholic Retreat Center and commented on how upset some of the Catholic brothers were at the recent announcement by the Pope. We spent a quiet afternoon with just about everybody napping. We ended it with a canasta game. Now I need a breathing treatment.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Pictures of the WEEK

Our last week in pictures.
We start with Maggie's last day in Doggy Kindergarten

The class did seem to help a BIT.

@@@@@News from Pigeon Falls-The little town in my garage where the trains still run , dragons fly, and McDonald's wants to build a restaurant.- Some of the local business men have been talking to McDonald's about building a restaurant in Pigeon Falls. They want to build it at the end of the railroad station. Then it could serve local people and everybody coming in by train. It would be a place to have that last cup of coffee before the train comes in. Nancy says there is no need for it. She is close enough to the station so they can have their cup of coffee with her. But the group points out she closes too early and opens too late for the railroad crowd. ( Not that it's really a crowd)
Eino says part of the town's appeal is its old buildings . A McDonald's would stand out like a sore thumb. It just wouldn't fit in. But the group thinks they could design it to look like an old railroad station with the arches on the door. It would add to the old time charm.
The town council met but couldn't come to any decision . Part of the council wanted to welcome the new business with open arms as it will increase the tax base. Another part felt that it was a big city thing and they didn't need it. So they did what any good political body does when faced with a difficult decision , they tabled it to the next meeting.

Today's Link-Dazed and Confused from Here- See a dress you would never buy. Leave a Dr. John in the comment.
Everybody over slept this morning. I was late getting the entry onto the blog. We went out to Old Country Buffet for lunch to celebrate Bree;s birthday. then we cam4e back and had birthday cake here. Peter spent the afternoon watching Arena Football. I did some research on the Pope's rece4nt statement. Betty and Pennie napped and Bree built with the Lego blocks. Now the four of them have gone again to Life Fest. I need a breathing treatment.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Win or Lose it's Friday

Another Friday and a chance for some lucky person to win our PRICELESS PRIZE of the week. Every one who left a comment on this blog or Today's Link has a chance to win. You have as many cahnces as days on which you left comments. which means you could have as many as fourteen.

Todays PRICELESS PRIZE is this adorable little Indian chief.

If you don't want the PRICELESS PRIZE then you can choose a door . You never know what's behind the door. There could be six rubber bands, Christmas pop ups, a battery Christmas train . All we know is that every week it's different.

You might wonder why our contest is better than those other internet give aways .
Our contest is better because:
1. No credit card required
2. No offers that you have to choose from to get the prize.
3. No postage and handling fee.
4. We don't ask for your telephone number.
5. You don't have to give us your real name.
6. All we require is your real mail address.
7. Our prize is priceless.
8. No paperwork to get the prize. Just say yes, or what door. And e-mail us your address.

Today's drawing will take place when Betty comes to the computer room.

@@@@ News from Pigeon Falls-The little town in my garage where the trains still run, dragons fly, and nothing exciting happens.- Pigeon Falls has seen one dull day after another since the drunken moose showed up in the fourth of July parade. Of course there were a few drunken fights at the Fly Inn . But nobody pays much attention to those. In the end a few things might get broken but nobody gets hurt.
There were a few stray dogs that showed up at Grandma Maki's house because her dog Nallie is in heat. Nallie is in a pen where they can't get at her but that doesn't keep them from trying. Pigeon Falls doesn't have a dog catcher so its up to the part time constable to enforce the dog laws. Grandma Maki called him but he said he was busy with some human problems and couldn't come. So she went down to the hardware store and bought the highest powered B-B gun they had. Then she shot those dogs in the rump. She doesn't think they will be back. Mrs. Maki's kids have told her that she should have her dog operated on but she won't do that to Nallie.
One of those stray dogs was seen chasing a deep down the main street and then being chased by that same deer up the main street. It looked like the deer wasn't going to put up with being chased anymore. That was a little excitement but not much.
People , looking for excitement, stop in at Nancy's Cafe and hope that the poltergeist is active. But it hasn't done much since the Fourth.
It seems Pigeon Falls is just your average little dull town.

Today's Link-Daily Fun Stuff- One weird picture. Leave a Dr. John as the kid may need a DR.

Now we wait for Betty and the drawing.

Betty has arrived.

Betty has drawn.

And the winner is

Ginger's Mom -

Congratulations. Please indicate if you want today's PRICELESS PRIZE or a door and if a door which door.

Ginger's Mom picked door number two. Behind door number two today was Tigger ( A Winnie the Pooh Collectible) and a beautiful set of wind chimes. Behind door number one were six Christmas Pop-its. Congratulations again to Ginger's Mom. May there always be a soft breeze for the chimes.
Had a good day. Betty and I went to Pick and Save in the morning. Then I worked a bit in the garage. Now Betty, Peter, Pennie, and Bree have gone to LifeFest. I need a breathing treatment.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

All About Me

Thursday I try to share with you a bit of who I am. You can ask questions which will be answered in a future entry. A few weeks ago I was asked about the events leading to my becoming a pastor. I blogged on that last summer so I pulled all fourteen of those blogs together and you can read them all or any of them by clicking on "Road to ministry" on the left hand side.

Well here is a new twist on sneaking details out of a blogger… from Kat's Random Thoughts
INSTRUCTIONS: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so:

1. Last Minute Lyn
2. melsdream
3. wading through my stream of consciousness
4. kat’s random thoughts
5.Dr. John’s Fortress

Now answer the following questions:
What were you doing 10 years ago?
Serving God as Pastor of United and beginning to think of retirement.
What were you doing 1 year ago?
Deciding if we should sell the house and move closer to the kids.

Five snacks you enjoy:
Ice Cream Cones
Banana Split
Milky Way Bars
Blueberry Muffins
movie popcorn

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
Not one. I just can‘t remember lyrics. I get four of five words into a song and blank.

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
Pay off the mortgage
Pay off my sons’ mortgages
Set up college money for the grandkids
generous donations to the St. Mark’s and United Lutheran
Put in an in ground swimming pool

Five bad habits:
Eating junk foods
Not picking up things
Talk too much ( ask my daughter)
Soap Operas

Five things you like doing:
Singing ( but I sound horrible and never finish a song)
Watching soap operas ( you can like a bad habit)
Playing with electric trains
Eating junk foods

Five things you probably won’t ever wear again:
My Dracula cape
My Dr’s Cape
Neck tie
hair parted

Five favorite toys:
any computer
My trains
My scooter ( more than a toy)
My Civil War Chess Set
My digital camera

Okay, the rest of the rules are to tag five people, and I have a personal policy not to tag anyone.
So use it if you want to..

@@@@@News from Pigeon Falls– the little town in my garage where the trains still run, dragons fly, and Last Lutheran waits an answer– Pastor Joan Castle has not yet decided if she is accepting the call to Last Lutheran or not. Some members of Last Lutheran think that she has had enough time and should let them know what her answer is. One of them has a friend in the Parish Pastor Castle is now serving. He discovered that Pastor Castle and her husband have gone with the youth group on a camping trip up into Canada and won’t be back for a week. They plan on stopping to visit some guy named Bill who calls himself “ The Old Fart”. They hope some of his piety will rub off on the kids. The trip was planned a long time ago and Pastor Castle felt obligated to carrying it out. Besides she cares about the group and the faith development of the kids. So it seems Last Lutheran will just have to wait for an answer.
Eino is still trying to solve the mystery of the stone man that vanished from his garage basement. He has a friend in the FBI who grew up in Pigeon Falls. That friend told him that some government officials were upset by Eino’s attempts . He advised Eino to stop trying for the moment and let him look into it quietly. Eino was not happy but agreed to do that.

Today's Link- Sleeping Kitten-Dancing Dog- Today a look at one of her art pieces. Leave a Dr. John in the comment.( it gets you another chance in tomorrow's big drawing)
Worked a bit in the basement today. I watched my soaps. Betty and Pennie took the dog to the doggy kindergarten for graduation . Then they will bring the dog home and go to Life Fest. I need a breathing treatment.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Fast Forward from Ralph 23- King Arthur

It's Wednesday and I share with you one of the things Ralph forwarded to me in my E-mail:

King Arthur and the Witch:

Young King Arthur was ambushed and imprisoned by the monarch of a neighboring kingdom. The monarch could have killed him but was moved by Arthur's youth and ideals. So, the monarch offered him his freedom, as long as he could answer a very difficult question. Arthur would have a year to figure out the answer and, if after a year, he still had no answer, he would be put to death.

The question?...What do women really want? Such a question would perplex even the most knowledgeable man, and to young Arthur, it seemed an impossible query. But, since it was better than death, he accepted the monarch's proposition to have an answer by year's end.

He returned to his kingdom and began to poll everyone: the princess, the priests, the wise men and even the court jester. He spoke with everyone, but no one could give him a satisfactory answer.

Many people advised him to consult the old witch, for only she would have the answer.

But the price would be high; as the witch was famous throughout the kingdom for the exorbitant prices she charged.

The last day of the year arrived and Arthur had no choice but to talk to the witch. She agreed to answer the question, but he would have to agree to her price first.

The old witch wanted to marry Sir Lancelot, the most noble of the Knights of the Round Table and Arthur's closest friend!

Young Arthur was horrified. She was hunchbacked and hideous, had only one tooth, smelled like sewage, made obscene noises, etc.. He had never encountered such a repugnant creature in all his life.

He refused to force his friend to marry her and endure such a terrible burden; but Lancelot, learning of the proposal, spoke with Arthur.

He said nothing was too big of a sacrifice compared to Arthur's life and the preservation of the Round Table.

Hence, a wedding was proclaimed and the witch answered Arthur's question thus:

What a woman really wants, she to be in charge of her own life.

Everyone in the kingdom instantly knew that the witch had uttered a great truth and that Arthur's life would be spared.

And so it was, the neighboring monarch granted Arthur his freedom and Lancelot and the witch had a wonderful wedding.

The honeymoon hour approached and Lancelot, steeling himself for a horrific experience, entered the bedroom. But, what a sight awaited him. The most beautiful woman he had ever seen lay before him on the bed. The astounded Lancelot asked what had happened

The beauty replied that since he had been so kind to her when she appeared as a witch, she would henceforth, be her horrible deformed self only half the time and the beautiful maiden the other half.

Which would he prefer? Beautiful during the day....or night?

Lancelot pondered the predicament. During the day, a beautiful woman to show off to his friends, but at night, in the privacy of his castle, an old witch? Or, would he prefer having a hideous witch during the day, but by night, a beautiful woman for him to enjoy wondrous intimate moments?

What would YOU do?

What Lancelot chose is below. BUT....make YOUR choice before you scroll down below. OKAY?

Noble Lancelot said that he would allow HER to make the choice herself.

Upon hearing this, she announced that she would be beautiful all the time because he had respected her enough to let her be in charge of her own life.

Now....what is the moral to this story?

Scroll down

The moral is.....
If you don't let a woman have her own way....
Things are going to get ugly.

@@@@@ News from Pigeon Falls– The little town in my garage where the trains still run, dragons fly, and the Liar’s Club summer contest goes on: The Liar’s Club heard the latest story last night . The contestant was young Fred Lehto and this is his story:
The story I am going to tell you today is true even though I find it hard to believe. It’s about my Uncle Leroy. You know, the one that lives in a shack over by Pelkie. Perhaps calling it a shack gives it too much credit. Uncle Leroy is that Uncle that ever family has that works as little as possible, drinks as much as possible, and swears whenever possible. The kind of Uncle your parents don’t want you to spend time with and that is just fascinating to all the kids in the family. My Dad certainly did everything he could to keep us away from Uncle Leroy.
But last year, when I finally had my own car, I decided to drive over and visit Leroy. The family hadn’t visited him in over six years and I just wanted to see how he was. Well I almost fell over when I got there as Uncle Leroy was stone cold sober. It seems the drinking, swearing etc. was all part of an act. Uncle Leroy is part of a top secret government project. Underneath is house is a huge laboratory that you would never expect to find there. Here he is working with a strange substance invented by some guys at the University of Ohio. It is invisible and it repels dirt and water. So Uncle Leroy has used it to create a boat that has this stuff at the back end. In effect it pushes the boat through the water. It needs no motor. He has some problems yet on the steering but he sees this as an energy saving boar of the future. But Uncle Leroy thinks that the stuff can be modified to repel air. Then a rocket ship could be pushed up by the air until it gets above the air and then fires its rockets. This will be much more efficient and safer that today’s rockets. He could see airplanes that would fly using this principal. They would use no fuel. The future is there is Uncle Leroy’s lab. Now he still doesn’t want anyone to know this so he is keeping up the pretense of being a drunk that lives in a shack. He doesn’t care if I tell you because he knows you won’t believe me anyway. Who would believe that this drunken, foul mouth, lazy man was a top secret government scientist. If I hadn’t seen it I wouldn’t believe it. You can go toQua
sar9 and see that the substance exists. Beyond that you just have to trust me.
They must have trusted him because they gave him a 9.3 and he is tied for first place.


Today's Link-Tony's Blog-
Just a nice picture. Leave a Dr. John in the comment.