Saturday, July 21, 2007

Our Week in Pictures

We begin with Dr. John finally packing up last week's prizes.

Then some Grandchildren pictures:

@@@@@@News from Pigeon Falls-the little town in my garage where the trains still run, dragons fly, and the Council has a hard decision to make-
The group that wants to see a casino built next to Pigeon Falls has given the Council until Thursday to decide if they want to sell the land to the Indians .They have three big arguments for the sale.
1. Pigeon Falls is a wonderful place for a casino because of the train service. People could come in a special car, spend the day, and then ride out in the train. The tourist gets both a train ride and a chance to win lots of money. This will help to keep the trains running and benefit local business.
2. The casino will attract people who are coming to the Up to hunt , fish, ski or whatever. With the casino they can do whatever they were coming for and spend a little time in the casino. Thus more tourists.
3. The casino would create jobs.
These are three powerful arguments.
The people who don’t want the sale have their own arguments.
1. Casinos are a tax on the poor. They gamble because they want more and they end up with less.
2. Casinos attract the wrong kind of people.
3. Petrovich says he has a prophecy which says only disaster if a casino is built. And Petrovich is always sorta right.
The Council has until Thursday.

Today's Link-Arnold the Methodical- A short lesson on how to live if you get rich- Leave a Dr. John in the comment.


Blogger Janets Planet said...

Oh no. Not Petrovich again!

Pigeon Falls has survived many "disasters", they should not fear Petrovich's new prediction.

It sounds more like it is a personal opinion of Petrovich's.

5:48 AM  
Blogger Catch said...

I enjoyed the pictures and I must say you are looking quite well Dr John!

7:07 AM  
Blogger Margaret said...

The Gardens are gorgeous. I really enjoy seeing the personal side of /Dr. John. Thanks for sharing.

7:41 AM  
Blogger Ruth W. said...

The expression of Maggie looking at the ice cream cone is priceless. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

9:02 AM  
Blogger QUASAR9 said...

Nice to see you still have wide open spaces, and you don't have a hose-pipe ban.

Mind you neither do we in England this summer. Well they'd have trouble justifying it with the flash floods all around - and Rain.

Now I enjoy tropical rain, when the hot sun comes put and dries it all away in a jiffy.
But we are getting too much rain and not enough sun
I guess many who didn't book holidays abroad because of the heatwaves the last few summers, are regretting their choice.

This year instead of a boom in sun cream sales, they'll probably announce record profits in fake sun tan lotions.

1:54 PM  
Blogger Jo said...

Dr.John, it's nice to hear you talking in the video. You have an identical accent to JR.


8:33 PM  

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