Saying for the Day
Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned. ~Peter Marshall
Picture of the Day

From the Archieves ( My sister Dawn)
It is Saturday and time for
Raven's Wordzzle Challenge.The Ongoing Adventures of Agent 012
We begin with the next exciting chapter in the ongoing story of Agent 012:
Agent 012 stared at the three lions coming through the door at the far end of the room. He had no shoes with his marvelous equipment and to further
exacerbate the problem they had taken his high tech belt.All he had to defend himself was a
tomato or to be more exact a box of tomatoes left from when somebody had used the room as a
storage area. But agent 012 was
nothing if not limber so he began throwing tomatoes at the lions. The lions decided to take the path of least resistance and attack the dead woman in the
leotard. At that point agent 012 turned his back on the
parade of lions and ran for the door through which they had entered. He found himself in a room filled with old movie posters including one of Earl Flynn as The
Vagabond Lover. But 012 had little time to read posters. He needed to get back to the car before the Purple Rose of Cario blew up the cruise ship Lily and destroyed the
Maharajah of Bombay and his Sacred
Jungle Book.He really needed to
sleep but his
special training allowed him to just
turn around and go on. He raced out the end door only to find himself facing a large pond on his way to freedom. A large sign said”
Droll Pond Beware”. “ What in the world is a droll pond” , he asked himself. “Why should I beware?” I can swim and it looks like I could wade across. So he started into the water. That’s when he saw the
crocodile coming toward him.
This really wasn’t his day.
And now for something completely different
Ordinarily the
Maharajah of Cork, the only Irish Maharajah, put on his Tarzan like
leotard and in order to
limber up did hand stands on the
Jungle Book in the
storage room.. But not today. Yesterday he had slid on the
tomato dropped by the
vagabond he had treated to lunch. Then trying to appear brave he had run up the
path to the house which did nothing but
exacerbate the problem. So now he was in such pain that he was afraid he wouldn’t make it to the
parade being given in his honor. That’s when he came up with the idea. He would attach two poles to his chair and be carried by four strong men. It would look regal. If the body won’t work then the mind has to.
News from Pigeon Falls
The little town in my basement where the trains still run, dragons fly, and life is back to normal.
Its time to look back over the week and share a few of the things that happened in Pigeon Falls that didn’t get reported before.
On Monday the Maki
Crocodile got loose. Somehow while everybody was in deep
sleep it managed to
turn around in the
special tub they kept it in and flip itself out. When they brought it back from Florida it was just a little thing but now it’s two feet long. When they got up it was in the living room. Little Timmy said it’s face was covered with
droll and his mother corrected him in that it wasn’t droll it was drool. They somehow got it back into the tub but it’s obvious the tub won’t hold it. Mrs. Maki is looking for crocodile recipes on the internet.
On Tuesday Karlo Heikinen made what he thought was a
droll remark about one of the Presidential candidates looking like a
crocodile. Mrs. Pemberthy told him to hold a view like that he must be
sleep deprived and he should just
turn around and go home. This upset Karlo and he asked her how she got so
special that she could tell him what to do. Just at that point Nancy’s poltergeist decided to pour them another cup of coffee and they both settled down..
On Wednesday Alicia Heikinen, wife of Karlo, got all upset. She ordered a pair of shoes from the
Droll Crocodile Shoe Company because of an add she saw on TV. The add said these were
special shoes made in Florida and when you wear them people would
turn around to look at you. But they turned out to be cheap plastic imitation crocodile shoes. She was so angry she didn’t
sleep that night.
When she calmed down Karlo asked her what she expected for $15.00 , real crocodile skin?
On Thursday Tammy was late for school. She looked like she didn’t
sleep at all the night before. In truth she hadn’t. She had been up all night playing “
Special Droll” the new addictive PC game , not to be confused with Drool ,last week’s addictive game. She just couldn’t quit while her character was being chased by the
crocodile and didn’t even have room to
turn around. Her mother has decided to not let her use the computer again until Saturday.
Wrap upMy oxygen was up for the third day in a row. I didn't gt much reading done. We went shopping for much of the day. Before we went I visited the links that indicated they had done the wordzzle. We ate at the I Hop. They are always so nice. They get us a table and move the chair away so I can drive my scooter into its place. Then we went to Michael s and I got some molds for making rock castings. Finally we went to Menard's and got what we needed there for the layout. Of course the two women were buying other things. They can't enter a store without spending money.We came hiome and I I did some more visiting . No reading today. Now I need a breathing treatment.