Day Before New Years
My family has all gone home. Now during the day there is only Betty, I, and the dog. It is so quiet. I miss kids screaming, little helicopters flying, the dog jumping around, and all the activity of their visit. But I do have my computer back so I can visit blogs again.
My grandsons are so special. On the last day they were here Alex made pancakes for me for breakfast. That kid is a great cook. He and his father made a full batch of saffron buns while they were here.
Elijah made breakfast for me one day as well.
They did anything we asked of them without complaining .
This is not to say they are perfect. They break things, they fight with each other, they holler a lot, and have some other faults as well but they are special.
Now I am looking ahead to the new year and this blog.
There will be changes that will start next Monday.
I need to cut back on the amount of time I give this blog.
I want to get back to the train layout.
I need to schedule in some exercise time.
So for one thing my “ Story blog” comes to an end.
Certainly there will be other changes as well.
But right now I have to get the last of my Christmas cards and my Christmas letter out so they wi9ll reach people during the twelve days of Christmas and thus count as Christmas cards.

Chief Ican looked out the window of the jail and saw a cat go flying by. He rushed to the door in time to see two more cats become air born thrown thjere by a mouse in a super hero costume. The mouse was taking on a group of eight or nine cats and not having very much trouble from the looks of it. The only good thing as far as Chief Ican was concerned was that they were not local cats and each one simply vanished as it hit the ground. The Chief was also sure he could hear somebody singing “ Here I come to save the day, Mighty Mouse is on the way.”
When Mighty Mouse finished with the cats he broke the basement window of Wink’s Wood and flew in . He returned shortly with a mouse in a live trap which he let go. That’s when Chief Ican went back into the jail and called Mrs. Trumble as he had visions of all the property damage the mouse could do before the spell ended.
Mrs. Trumble called Robert and he came immediately. He used his power to cast an invisible cone over Mighty Mouse. The mouse could fly up to the cone and then it would hold him in place. Robert told the Chief that he had no idea how long the cone would hold since they were dealing with magic. They had to hope it would hold until the spell wore off.
But the on the main street a set of railroad tracks appeared . A villainous cat showed up and tied a beautiful mouse to the track. Inside the cone Might Mouse was going crazy trying to get out. He was shouting Oil Can if you harm one hair on Pearl’s beautiful head I’ll send you to the moon. Oil Can Harry just laughed and an engine appeared at the far end of the track. Oil Can climbed up in the cab and the engine moved slowly down the track toward Pearl.
Suddenly Mighty Mouse was there. He stopped the train with one hand and hit Oil Can so hard that he flew straight up and disappeared. Chief Ican and Robert stared and saw the hole in the road. Mighty Mouse had gone down through the road and up the other side.
Then it all vanished. The spell was over.
Chief Ican said “ I’m so glad that was settled before Miss Apricot got here.”