Today's Link
Aha Moments
Today's Saying
Swallow your pride occasionally, it's non-fattening!
~Author UnknownToday's PictureMaggie at her best

It is Saturday and time to play with words supplied by
Raven's Wordzzle
This Week's Ten Word Challenge will be:
sow, close, console, lives, minute, polish ,bass, pussy , complex, resumeFor the mini challenge:
bow, house, import, intern, sewerThe Mega Challenge as
The Ongoing Adventures of Agent 012
Agent 012 had found the Mercedes of Mellifluous Vandersnot just outside of Drummsy. But the girl, now calling herself Blue Violet, and her friend Tora Tora were no where to be seen. The car was locked up tight . Agent 012 brought out his electronic key simulator
console and set it to find the right code and open the door. It set off the car alarm and then after a minute or so the trunk lid flew up. Before he could look in the trunk it closed and the alarm stopped. Then a strange sequence began the alarm would
resume and then the trunk would fly open again only to
close with the alarm stopping. Agent 012 began to think that his key simulator which was a
Polish import was not going to be the answer. The system on the Mercedes was just too
complex. So he took his car jack and the next time the trunk opened he jammed in the jack so it couldn’t close. There was smoke and odd noises and suddenly the car doors flew open. Agent 012 looked in the trunk and found a strange bunch of items. There was a dead
bass, a
bow and arrow, a broken bass fiddle, a plastic
sow, a
pussy looking bandage, a bottle of furniture
polish, a stuffed
pussy cat, a very small doll
house., and a shirt that had been patched by a very poor
sewer. None of this made any sense to him. Why would anybody
house all these items in the trunk of a car?
He called the Agency and got Tod Watkins the new
intern, as yet unnumbered . Then he described the items to Tom and asked for some ideas. Tom suggested that they sounded like items from a scavenger hunt. Agent 012 told him not to talk foolishness when the
lives of two young people were at stake.
AS he hung up Agent 012 wondered how an intern that had such an impressive
resume could come up with such stupid answers. Lacking any constructive Agency help, and being sure the items were of no import, Agent 012 decided to go over the rest of the car looking for any
minute detail that could help him find the couple. But the search yielded nothing. Finishing his examination of the car he tried valiantly to lock it up but couldn’t. An old saying kept coming to his mind “ What you
sow you shall also reap.” It was, of course, his fault that the doors wouldn’t lock . On his last try the front door swung open hitting him, as he was standing too
close, and knocking him down an embankment into a creek. The creek smelled like it was the discharge of some
sewer system and Agent 012 now smelled the same.
This was not turning out to be his day.
The ten word challenge-Poor Pussy Cat
The bedraggled
pussy lived in an apartment
complex in Mudville but she was a long way from home. She had jumped up into that truck to get the dead
bass that was lying there just as the truck left for the country. The truck belonged to a
Polish worker on the Janson farm
complex and that fish was supposed to be his supper. He was not at all happy to find a cat eating it and threatened to take all nine of her
lives. In fact she lives only because she leaped from the truck and ran to the barn which was
close. He chased after her but then decided to just
close the barn door and
resume chasing her later . He was already late for his next task which was to
sow some seed in the upper forty. After that he had to feed the owner’s prize
sow. The poor cat knocked a bottle of furniture
polish off the top of an old
console on its way to what seemed to be a
minute hole in the barn wall. It squeezed through the hole and headed down the road to Mudville If she got home she knew her owner would take her up in his arms and
console her. But now she had to get home. And
minute by minute she did.
The mini challenge-Dr. House
House the in house surgeon was asked to
house the new
intern at his house. He responded by telling them they would have to
intern the intern somewhere else as he was interning nobody at his house. It seems his
sewer had backed up and even his renter who was a
sewer by trade had left because of the odor. The committee felt the odor would be of no
import because they could
import some crystal substance that would absorb it. So Dr. House agreed and if he wasn’t so
bow legged he would have taken a
All fifteen words in one sentence -Sow Saving
The Veterinary
Intern ,
Bass House, at the last
minute wanted to
close his
bow import business and
resume the use of his electric
console in the
complex treatment of the
pussy, sewer smelling, growth on the back of the
Polish sow thus saving the
lives that would be lost if the disease spread.
Of course the dragons were busy today you can see them
HERE. News from Pigeon Falls
The little town in my basement where the trains still run, dragons fly, and life is back to normal
It’s Saturday and time to look back at the week in Pigeon Falls
Monday– Jon Bergalls prize sow got lose because his son failed to close the gate on the pigpen. While Donna tried to console the daughter and assure her that the pig lives Jon went looking for the animal knowing that every minute counted. He found it in the far pasture snuggling up to a Moose.
Wednesday– Tommy UK and Tammy thought they could just resume life as usual. But things turned out to be very complex and that was not a possibility. Some people thought they were aliens pretending to be them. So Tammy came right back to her house from school and played with the pussy cat. It knew who she was.
Thursday –The town has a new intern in the Public Works Department whose responsibility is the sewer system. He thinks they need to import a new console to control the process. In the light of his impressive resume the council may go along with him.
Friday-Geogof Anderson ordered some new polish for his bass fiddle bow. It was supposed to enhance the music played with the bow. Geogof , however, thinks it has had no import at all.
Wrap UP
This was supposed to be a day spent with my grandsons. It started out okay except it was a really hard breathing day. We went out to lunch and I became ill so we dropped the family at the next place they were going and Penny brought me home. I spent the rest of the day either in bed or in the bathroom. I feel a bit better now. It is both hot and muggy . Now I need a breathing treatment.