Today's Link
Nobody asked Me
Today's Saying
Sometimes I give myself admirable advice, but I am incapable of taking it.
~Mary Wortley MontaguToday's Picture
Our upside down tomato plant-still alive

It is Saturday and time to play with words supplied by
Raven's Wordzzle
This Week's Ten Word Challenge will be:
albino, trench, marble, assistant, Indian, What's that supposed to mean?, sound first principles, the key thing, moat, curtainThe mini challenge:
under the surface, doomed, grand design, temple, aspirin The Mega Challenge as
The Ongoing Adventures of Agent 012
Agent 012 popped another
aspirin and sat down on the steps of the only
marble temple ever built by North American
Indians. It had just been explained to him that what he thought was the remnant of a
moat was in reality an Indian burial
trench. He knew so little about Indian history and nothing about this
temple which had so recently been discovered. If only he knew its original
grand design so he could tell where the
curtain had been.
The Agency had intercepted a message from Mute saying that somebody was to meet the
Albino at the curtain in the
temple sometime today. But Agent 012 following his fundamentally
sound first principles of detective work had walked through the temple five times without finding a curtain or a place where a curtain had been hung. Either there was more of the temple
under the surface or the word curtain was a code.
So Agent 012 sat on the steps saying to himself “
What's that supposed to mean?, “ over and over as he looked at the message. Finally he went behind a large rock pile and called an
assistant at the Agency Office on his shoe phone.”
The key thing” he said to her,” Is that I can’t observe the meeting if I don’t know where it is and I’m
doomed to fail. So please try to break the code for me.” She told him to call back in a couple of hours. Just at that point a little boy came around the rock. “ Look mommy” , he hollered there is a crazy man here talking into his shoe.”
This was not going to be his day.
The Ten word challenge-Out of a Job?
The story continues -You can see the first part
HERE.Chief Ican was now following
sound first principles of detective work and searching the Mayor’s house. He knew that if he was wrong he had no job but then it wasn’t the greatest job in the world.
The key thing was the blue car he had sold to the DA. It was driven by the Director’s lover to the motel and was caught on tape at the murder scene. Now he hoped to find the gun and if he was lucky some other evidence.
On entering the living room Ican’s chief
assistant opened the
curtain to let in some light. On the far wall hung a massive painting of an
albino polar bear swimming across a
moat toward a
marble castle where an
Indian waited to shoot it with a bow and arrow. The Chief looked at the picture for several minutes asking himself “
What’s that supposed to mean?”. It certainly isn’t fine art.
Pushing the picture aside he found a large wall safe behind it. “ Now that I understand”, he thought. He asked Mrs.
Trench, the housekeeper to open the safe. But she didn’t have the combination.
It was at that point that one very angry Mayor arrived.
“Your fired”, he said as he came through the door. “ Your all fired. Now get out of my house”
“I am afraid , your honor, you can’t do that” , Ican said , as respectfully as possible under the circumstances. “ I have an order issued by the judge preventing you from doing that until this case is concluded. Now please open the safe.”
“No, I won’t’ the judge replied.
“ Then I will have to arrest you for obstructing a criminal investigation and have it drilled open”.
Now looking like somebody who was just hit by a two by four the judge muttered “ I mean I can’t only my wife has the combination. It‘s her safe. I don‘t even like the picture”.
A search of the remainder of the house turned up nothing.
The mini challenge-So Open the Safe
Chief Ican took two more
aspirin as they waited for the DA to arrive. On the surface everything looked fine but
under the surface a lot was going on. Chief Ican was waiting in the full knowledge that if there was no evidence in that safe his job was over. He wondered if that was part of some universal
grand design by an omnipotent being with a warped sense of humor.. He was trying to do right but it was ending up so wrong. Now like a
doomed man he was just waiting the moment of his execution. He felt like the polar bear in the picture swimming toward the marble
temple but knowing he was going to be shot before he got there. Finally he understood that stupid picture.
Then the DA arrived and though with multiple protests on how her rights were being violated she opened the safe.
To be continued next Thursday.
All fifteen words in one sentence
Get it Right the First Time
What’s that supposed to mean? “ asked the
albino Indian, Marvin
Marble of his
assistant Moat Trench as he tried to show that
sound first principles, the key thing, in any
grand design for a
temple curtain built
under the surface had not been followed and they were
doomed to need many more
aspirins before this was over.
Of course the dragons were busy today you can see them
HERE.News from Pigeon Falls
The little town in my basement where the trains still run, dragons fly, and life is back to normal
It’s Saturday and time to look back on the week in Pigeon Falls
Monday-Tammy was in love with somebody else and Tommy UK felt like a doomed man. Crazy thoughts filled his head:
“ Could it be part of God’s grand design to make me suffer like this?”
“ I have to keep the big curtain closed so I won’t see her if she walks or bikes by.”
“ She is so beautiful that she would stand out like an albino deer.”
“If only I was an artist I would have make a marble statue of her so that her beauty would be captured forever.”
“ I should build a moat around this house and hide ..”
“ The guy she’s in love with is a real loser I should teach him a lesson or two.”
Of course, if you looked at him you wouldn’t have known all that he was thinking. He was keeping it under the surface and pretending to be happy.
Tuesday – Bonnie McGregor got a book to help her with the twins. It was titled “ Sound First Principles of Parenting” It started with this statement in big capital letters, “ THE KEY THING IS NEVER TO LOSE CONTROL”. Bonnie read that over and over thinking “ What’s that supposed to mean?” How do you maintain control when one kid dumps a bowl of spaghetti over her head while the other is screaming like a wild Indian in the other room. She wondered if the people who wrote these books lived in some sheltered golden temple instead of the real world. What you needed to parent in the real world would be a large bottle of aspirin and your husband to act as an assistant.
Wednesday– This morning a large trench was discovered behind the town hall. Nobody seemed to know where it came from.
Thursday– Tommy UK and Eino discussed the recent crisis. Tommy suggested that the poltergeist was the only rational explanation for the defeat of the demon. Eino responded that demons aren’t rational, Tommy’s power ring isn’t rational. Dragons aren’t rational, ghosts aren’t rational. How could Tommy say it was a rational explanation. According to Eino everything in Pigeon Falls is outside of reason so there is no rational explanation.
Wrap UPBusy day today. We started at 7:30 mixing up saffron buns. We put them in two bread machines but we put one on dough bake and we intended to pull the other before it began to cook. While the dough was getting ready we made brownies. Then the buns themselves. After that we put one more batch to rise and Betty started on muffins. All of this because tomorrow we take our once a year turn at serving coffee at St. Mark's. I also visited all the blogs on Raven's linksy and left comments. Then I visited all the blogs that left comments yesterday. Both my sister and my son Peter called. Now I need a breathing treatment.