Thursday, February 08, 2007

A Fun Day

Saying for the day- Everybody dies so don't take life too seriously.

Today I am declaring a just for the fun of it day. I am going to do things just for the fun of it and its okay. I think to start off with when I finish this blog entry I am going to pop over to Margaret’s blog and play her new game “Steak or Bologna “ (That’s not its real name but it’ll have to do because looking up the real name would be no fun). She writes something and you have to decide if its real or pure bologna. That sounds like fun. When I finish the first section of this entry I am going to take the eighteen words I got from Cindra Jo’s blog and use them in today’s Pigeon Falls section. Why? Not to impress anybody. I doubt that Cindra Jo even reads my blog anymore . No! Just because playing with words is fun . I’m like a kid with a new set of blocks. What can I build. So it isn’t a castle I had fun building it. Then when I’ve finished the blog I will have breakfast. I am going to skip all the healthy stuff I usually eat and have a toast and bologna sandwich with raspberry jam. Why. Because I enjoy eating it and this is a just for fun day. After that I will enter the two internet lotteries I play every day. Not because I really think I’ll win a million but just for the fun of seeing how many numbers I can get right.( Usually one) Then I will visit some of the links on my link list. It is fun to see what people are doing and thinking and sometimes Catch or Tina Dray have a joke or two which are always fun. Then it will be time to watch my soaps. I will make no excuses and just enjoy them and on a just for fun day that’s enough. When they are over I will come back to the computer and play Dynamite a computer game with exploding dinosaur eggs. Its silly but its fun. Then I‘ll look and see if Quilldancer’s students have said or done anything funny. When I have finished with all of that and a few surprise things I will play a game of canasta with Betty and Pennie. Yep! It’s a just for fun day.

@@@@ News from Pigeon Falls– The little town in my garage where the trains still run , dragons fly, and schools do what schools do.-On returning from the snow day the teachers in the consolidated school found this note in their mail boxes.
Leaving the game Tuesday night one of the students father’s knocked over the ivy pot causing it to shatter to smithereens. In the light of Bob Williams saying it was not his Paw try to find out who did do it.
The universal study hall has been canceled until some minor scheduling problems in the record department can be worked out.
Some of the boys should be reminded that the town does have a barber.
Try to discover who left the girl’s halter top in the boy’s rest room so that the owner can claim it..
Its that time of year when our unindicted young protégé troublemaker Tommy, the undertaker’s son, comes up with smart schemes to cause us all trouble. Keep a close watch on him.
The “Neighborhood Poet” Mrs. Fredrick Burns is still waiting to be invited to read some of her poems about France to any class that will listen. Will you please give her an invite before she drives me crazy.
Finally I will figure out who sent that backstabbing letter to the school board and you will be sorry.
Your Ever Faithful Superintendant

It has warmed up to 0 today in Pigeon Falls and people are celebrating Tuesday’s basketball victory which brings them to four in a row. It was just too cold to celebrate yesterday. Except of course at the Fly Inn where they celebrated all day. If you get enough alcohol in the bloodstream the cold doesn’t bother you. A lot of our visiting snowmobilers decided it was wise to ride the bar yesterday instead of the machine.

Today's Link-PDX Bus- This is stuff from the front, middle, and back of the bus- Leave Dr. John in the comment because it is my fun day.
I had fun today. Everything went prettyw ell on schyedule. I was planning on seeing a movie in the afternoon but the movie on demand service wasn't working. I had the popcorn though. Betty spent the day working a puzzle she got at Christmas. She won at canasta. That was good because she doesn't get to win often. All in all it was a very7 good day. Now I need a breathing treatment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So who wrote this letter for the teacher's mailbox?

5:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link Dr. John. The Probability is high that you will indeed find a brilliant student comment posted on my blog today. Enjoy your "just for fun day" and hink of me sitting in a boring, long teacher's inservice hearing the same lecture for at least the tenth time.

6:15 AM  
Blogger Louisiana said...

quick note: today's events was cancelled and moved to the beginning of April or earlier for they have put me in cancellation happens but it is okay..:)

6:20 AM  
Blogger Alastair said...

We all need some fun...


8:46 AM  
Blogger The Rev. Dr. Kate said...

I hope you enjoyed your "fun" day and were able to keep warm!

11:16 AM  
Blogger Sunflower Optimism said...

Go for it, Dr. John! :-)

11:16 AM  
Blogger Gingers Mom said...

Have a happy fun day! ALthough a bologna sandwich doesn't sound too fun. :) But to each their own, my friend!

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A "just for the fun of it" day sounds great although your sandwich idea made me gag..In a just for the fun of it way of course..

2:01 PM  
Blogger Neoma said... I am wondering what you do on the not for fun day. I know retired men. Everyday is a just for fun day......

My just for fun day begins like this, get the kids up at 6, make breakfast, do a batch of laundry,feed the cat, feed the dog, sweep the kitchen floor, wipe the crumbs off the counter, pay a few bills, make a 3 bean salad for dinner, make a jello salad for dinner, give the cat some milk, get dressed, make coffee, make a few business calls, take dog out to his run, make a batch of cookies, make beds, vacuum, start dinner, it is hard to enjoy THIS much fun all at one time.......haha

I sound a bit bitter don't I. haha

4:08 PM  
Blogger Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Glad you had fun today Dr John, every once in awhile one must let their hair down and "Have a Go" at it.

8:10 PM  
Blogger Gary said...

I used to play canasta every day years ago. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for the memories.

9:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your fun day, John. I think we'd all be better off if we scheduled more of these. I spent my day getting ready for my 'Valentines Run':( ) of my favorite things to do. So, I had a fun day, too ! Hope you and Betty are feeling lots better.

10:29 PM  
Blogger Bazza said...

I think you should have a "one thing leads to another" day. You mentioned Cindra's blog in your post which reminded me that I hadn't entered her word game this week, so I had to go and apologise. Then I came back to comment on yours, and now I've seen wifey's blog mentioned, which reminds me it's nearly time to go home. So much to do, so little time.

3:55 AM  

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