Blessed Easter
It was a great if not hectic day. We got everybody up early so they could look for Easter Eggs and baskets. The good old Easter bunny even left Grandpa a bucket full of candy. How good is that? Then we pushed to get everybody fed, my morning breathing treatment done, showers taken, and off to church. The service was great two of my grandkids went and sat on the floor up front for the children's sermon. The sermon reminded us that the tomb was empty. The choir was great. They had three trumpet players that played during the hymn singing. I got some movies for the St. Mark's website and some new pictures for the opening. After church therewas an Easter egg hunt and my grandkids joined in that. I love St. Mark's. Then we fed them all. we had a roast but there won't be left overs this week. Alex and I played Betty and Pennie in Canasta and we got clobbered. Now they have left and it is so quiet. Peter called to wish us a happy Easter. Now I need a breathing treatment.
Happy Easter!
A Blessed Easter is wished for you, Betty and your Family Dr John
A very happy and Blessed Easter from us here to you dear friend. May God keep us blessing you and holding you close to His heart always.
I miss you and think of you current project takes me to organize all storage...just last night i found the xmas decoration and it was a sweet delight seeing our train/village...
soon i should come across my turtle collection or what was left and i know what i am keeping...Carlos, the singing turtle will entertain Chelo today. will tell you how that goes.
your care/friendship surrounds us physically and spiritually daily. thank you.
enjoy such a happy day in which love, true love saved us all.
hugs, kisses and our love,
Alleuia! He is risen!
Happy Easter, Dr. John & Betty.
Peace be with you.
Happy Easter to both of you and all your family.
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