Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Story

Today's Saying

The story I am writing exists, written in absolutely perfect fashion, some place, in the air. All I must do is find it, and copy it. ~Jules Renard

An event story.
That is a story based on an event .
But it is not a story of that event but a story the event suggested.
The other day my daughter was coming home from work and suddenly needed to make a quick rest stop.
She stopped at McDonalds and rushed into the rest room.
When she came out she felt guilty so she bought two little apple pies to pay for her use of the facilities.
When she told us this on coming home. This story formed in my mind.
It was, however, not about guilt.

Here is the story:
June Oliver , CEO of the Multi-Banks Corporation was on her way home from an exhausting day doing whatever it is that big name CEOs do. When suddenly she realized she needed a rest stop. She had Melvin, her chauffeur stop the Limousine at the only available place.
She rushed in to TRGHP ( The Really Great Hamburger Place) and headed for the rest room. But the rest room was locked.
She signaled the clerk to open the door and he said” Company policy requires a purchase before using the rest room.”
She almost screamed her response “ But I just need to use the rest room.”
“Company policy and state law requires a restroom for customers but you aren’t a customer until you make a purchase. Buy two pies they are on sale for $1.00 today.” the clerk responded.
“Look buddy”, she said,” I have to go the bathroom . I am going to go to the bathroom.”
“ Not here your not without a purchase” he replied.
“Oh! Yes I am”, she said “ Where do you want the puddle?”
At that the bathroom door flew open and she ran in.

The McDonald pies were very good .
My breathing is a bit better and I may start doing some visiting of blogs.

Chief Ican and Eugene returned late yesterday afternoon. They brought good news and bad . The old lady/witch was willing and able to reverse the curse . That was the good news. The bad news is that it was a hard curse to reverse and would cost the town considerable.
The old lady/Gypsy was going to come this afternoon to meet with the group and lay down her terms.
Eino said “ Your not going to let her rip us off are you.”
Mrs. Trumble responded ., “ Eino if you say one word to get in the way of these negotiations we will knock you down and tape your mouth shut. Do you want to wake up tomorrow having breakfast with cave men? She can have anything she wants if it gets us back to 2009.”
The rest of the group sided with Mrs. Trumble.
Eino shook his head and muttered “it’s not rational .It’s just not rational.”
The group ignored him.
It wasn’t long before the entire town had heard of the progress. This morning there is an anticipation that soon it will all be over. Soon they will return to 2009.
Nancy is even giving away free coffee.
Everyone is waiting for the old lady/witch to come and give her terms. She will certainly get what she wants as long as it isn’t somebody’s first born. Don’t witches sometimes want the first born?


Blogger Nessa said...

I love your rest stop story. Everyone has a price.

Wordless Wednesday - Pirates' Strumpet

it's possible google reader dropped my feed again

3:43 AM  
Blogger Diana said...

So glad to hear that the breathing is better today Dr. John. Lets pray it continues! Love Di

3:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

4:24 AM  
Blogger Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Dr John, Glad that your breathing is a bit better. You know I do the same thing if I use the Loo in a store, I buy something. I know I shouldn't feel guilty but I do.

5:26 AM  
Blogger LoieJ said...

My son has been in situations where he has needed to "go" and he has gone to a big box store, then bought something. Same story. But I don't understand that "guilt" or whatever drives that. For me, I would run into a store I'm familiar with anyway, hence they have gotten my money many times in the past.

6:15 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The rest stop story was fun and I think you've got a great name for a new restaurant (TRGHP)!

That was good of your daughter to make a purchase...I always feel guilty about such things too.

God bless Dr. John!

6:45 AM  
Blogger Melli said...

LOL! I have done what Penny did! Usually I just buy a soda - I figure once I have "rested" I will be thirsty! It was a GREAT story though! NO dizziness or confusion at ALL in that story! Pure clear thinin' there! :)

Ohhhhhhhh now I'm gettin' scared again! Pastor Joan! HIDE THE BABY! Oh wait... Maybe she'll want the MAYOR's first born... THAT would be... TOMMY? Uh-oh!

7:16 AM  
Blogger Gattina said...

Between a moody Internet connection and a leak of time (I am still on holidays) I missed the fact that you weren't feeling well. I hope it's better now ! I send you some sunshine from Egypt, I have visited a church in Cairo where the holy family has stayed. Will write about it when I am back.

8:05 AM  
Blogger Lori's Minute said...

When I was walking ten miles on Sat. I always stopped at the gas station to use the bathroom and fill up my water bottle. I always felt guilty so would by some Whoppers (the candy). I wonder why I never lost weight?

8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are feeling better. I have to agree with Nessa. Everyone has a price. So I'm going to remember that next time I have to pee. Problem is I'll probably be arrested if I leave the puddle right where I'm standing. Go figure.

9:32 AM  
Blogger aims said...

I am going to use that rest stop story - guaranteed. Thanks Dr. John.

9:37 AM  
Blogger Jeni said...

Now, if ever I stop at Micky D's or some other fast food place for a restroom break and they tell me I have to purchase something first, I'll know that someone within that corporation (probably a CEO) has been reading your blog!
And glad to hear the breathing seems to be improving. That, definitely is some good news!

10:17 AM  
Blogger Dragonstar said...

Love the story! I must remember the CEO's answer if I'm ever in a similar situation.

I'm glad your breathing's a bit better. Just take things easily.

10:23 AM  
Blogger Voegtli said...

A nice story. And it shows how simple people behave and how big shots behave. It is only a story. But it happens in real life all the time.

12:21 PM  
Blogger Dulçe ♥ said...

Great story... that shows your getting better.. Oh I am really happy My Knight... But do not take it too seriously... I mean, I do not get sad or anything if you do not visit me... and all that, right?
In fact >I suggest you do not do so today it might disturb you a bit.
Blessings, dear Dr.

1:30 PM  
Anonymous Alice Audrey said...

I'm glad you're breathing easier.

Last time I ran in to use a McDonald's bathroom, you had to get a "token" from the clerk to make the door open. Good thing I wasn't quite to puddle level yet.

5:46 PM  
Anonymous Alice Audrey said...

I bet she reverses the curse, and they end up back with the gremlins.

5:48 PM  
Blogger secret agent woman said...

Hope she operates her own company with the same compassion she expects from others!

6:22 PM  
Blogger forever lost said...

I often wonder if I would have the courage to say "I have to go" when I am speeding and worry about a ticket!

Man oh Man I hadnt been out in a while, I am so sorry you have had health issues! Breathing is very important! And I love your random thoughts~ and very random when you are in a fog!!
You may get all sorts of ideas for Pigeon falls ~;oD

7:08 PM  
Anonymous quilly said...

Your rest stop story almost happened to me! I tossed $2.00 on the counter and said, fine, get me a pie but give the the (blank) key! I took the key to the bathroom and when I returned it I picked up my pie and my change.

11:39 PM  

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