Thursday, October 23, 2008

Warning Diatribe

Today's Link
Nick's Bytes

Saying for the Day
If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up. ~J.M. Power

Picture for the Day

Warning! Please tighten your seat belt and hold onto your floppy hat because I am about to get up on my soap box and deliver a diatribe like I haven’t done since I left Chicago.
Yesterday as my wife was applying the moisturizing cream that keeps her beautiful she asked me the same question my son asked as he was trying to give away the pickles that came with his hamburger at the restaurant. Both of them asked “ Why is the economy such a mess? What caused this huge flip-flop in the stock market?”

Well today I’m going to answer that question with one word, GREED.
You thought I was going to say the President or Congress didn’t you? Or perhaps evil corporations or wall street insiders? Of course they are all part of the problem but what drives them is plain old GREED.
Congress fails because it is busy pleasing lobbyists, which they all denounce but whose money, trips, and other stuff they all greedily take. They forget they are supposed to be working for us as we have nothing to give but our vote and the lobbyist will give them enough money to buy that. So their greed kept them from doing anything that might have prevented the economic meltdown.
GREED is the problem for American industry as well.
Why do companies send jobs to other countries? Plain old fashioned GREED. They can get more money for their greedy stockholders and pay their greedy CEOs more millions. It never occurred to them that lost job by lost job there would be fewer and fewer people to buy their products.

GREED lives for the day tomorrow has to take care of itself.

GREED drives oil company executives to wring every cent out of every barrel of oil and if the high price of gasoline causes economic chaos, tough. They have their multi –million dollar salaries.
GREED drives companies to buy up other companies to take their pension funds and leave the little guy out in the cold.
GREED causes executives of failing companies to still take millions of dollars despite their failure and GREED makes them put in golden parachutes so if they are fired the company has to pay millions to get rid of them.

GREED caused people to buy houses they couldn’t afford believing the price of houses would keep going up and that they would make money in the deal.
And the little guy he has his GREED too. Given a choice between a cheap product made in some other country and an American product he buys the cheap and greedily pockets the extra money.

From top to bottom GREED drives the economy. But the problem with GREED is that eventually that tomorrow we ignored finally comes and the whole system collapses.
Sorry folks! Tomorrow is here.

News from Pigeon Falls
The little town in my basement where the trains still run, dragons fly, and life is back to normal.
Poor Nancy is getting complaints from her regular customers about the second cup is $10 rule. They have always had a second cup and it used to be free. One of the regulars suggested that she should copy the museum. She could rope off an area labeled "Ghost Watchers" or something, and have them pay a high price for an all-morning ticket which could include coffee and a saffron roll. Then keep the other tables free for normal customers. That seemed like a good idea to her so she rescinded the second cup is $10 rule and will set up a special half day area. For $30 you can sit as long as you want, up to a half a day, and have a continuous supply of coffee. It will be ready tomorrow and we’ll see how well it works.
Willie has been sober for two days now and has joined the local AA group. But people still remember what happened in 2006 and how he was sober for six months that time.
Herman is all excited because he heard that one of the drinks on the card at the Happy Pigeon will be a Haltvers and he is sure that’s a driblet under another name. The name he is giving to his visions. Despite his fear of his wife his desire for another vision means he will help close the Happy Pigeon on Friday night. It is his destiny. He can hardly wait for Friday.
Petrovich seems to be paying no attention to the new bar and restaurant. As long as they don’t insult his seer he couldn’t care less what they serve. He is busy working on a very, very disturbing driblet. The problem is his microfilm copy is missing a part and he really needs that part. He is sure that he has another copy of the microfilm but he can’t remember where he stored it. He has e-mailed his friends at the monastery in Russia and asked them to e-mail him a copy. But the manuscript has no numbers on the driblets and they have to count and then check the first words to be sure they have the right one. Petrovich is afraid if they don’t hurry or he doesn’t find the other microfilm there will be no Pigeon Falls. The driblet seems to be that bad.

Wrap Up
Today was a good bad day or a bad good day. It was good because my oxygen count was up and I used very little from the bottle despite some stress. It was bad because everything went wrong on the layout. Well not everything. We got the lumber car to dump. We were pushing the unload button and we should have pushed the uncouple button though that makes no sense. We almost had everything transferred to the new control table when all the accessories in the middle of module two suddenly died. The transformers were plastered inside the table so we had to cut them out . Both transformers had ceased to function and needed to be replaced. We have never had that happen before. Worse I don't have a nine volt transformer. I have transformers from 3 volts to eighteen but no nine volt. There might be one in the garage. Now I need a breathing treatment.


Blogger Catch said...

I so agree with you about GREED. Very good Dr John! We need to start living closer to our means. Credit cards are the worst!! So many people so in debt, they will never get out....yep.....greed! BTW, your dog is precious!!!

5:17 AM  
Blogger LoieJ said...

You are certainly right about greed. We're all at fault, especially the part about buying the products made overseas rather than buying what was made by our "neighbor." I saw a documentary on PBS about Wal-Mart which showed a Wal-Mart manager saying that they marked up US goods 20% but Chinese goods were marked up 80%. Of course they are not the only example.

Remember when TVs were relatively expensive? Nowadays, the average home supposedly has 5 TVs. Our one TV is from the 1980s. Ha. It works well; why throw it away for bigger and better?

The politicians want to preserve our "American way of life." Does that mean we can/are to continue to wallow in greed, excess, and consumerism? One of our Senate candidates said that we have to get the consumer to get back to buying things. For what reason? Our closets are so full that storage unit businesses are springing up all over the place.

Don't look in my closets.

5:40 AM  
Blogger Janets Planet said...

Greed is a factor. But complacency is probably a bigger one. All those things happened because WE let them by not standing up and holding people accountable.

How come we dont hear anything about Petrovich's kids? We dont even know what their names are.

5:51 AM  
Blogger Dragonstar said...

You're right! Greed, or something-for-nothing, runs everything all over the "civilised" world.

Oh dear, I hope Petrovich finds that microfilm soon - that ominous driblet is worrying me!

6:57 AM  
Blogger Melli said...

Ohhhhhh BLESS you! You are so good! Can we publish YOUR diatribe in all the newspapers across the land? And can you send it out in an email that we can spam the world with?

Oh dear... this new driblet sounds a bit scary - but I'm certain God loves Pigeon Falls... I think it will be okay! I think I'm going to go to Nancy's for breakfast and lunch tomorrow. I'm going to sit on the regulars side and drink coffee and have a saffron bun WITH my scrambled eggs and scrapple! Then I'll have a few cups of coffee while I watch the ghost groupies. I might read the paper while I sip, and then it will be time for lunch and I'll have ummmmm.... maybe a meatloaf sandwich! Yep! I'm gonna spend the whole DAY at Nancy's - and I bet it won't cost me even CLOSE to $30!!! I'll leave her a HUGE tip too!

7:26 AM  
Blogger Akelamalu said...

I so agree with you about GREED!

Love the news from Pigeon Falls. :)

9:35 AM  
Blogger Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Greed and the "Love of Money" is the Root of all Evil. You hit the nail right on the head with this post Dr John. Hopefully we are not headed for another "Great Depression" but if we are folks are going to have to learn to eke by.

A Blessed Day is wished for you and Betty.

9:51 AM  
Blogger ~Mad said...

I'm with "old fart" - that love of money being the root of all evil.As well, with janvangogh about complacency.

Makes you hate that song, "Money Makes the World Go Round" - isn't that from Cabaret?

I'm guilty of complacency myself this election - I am so tired of listening to the rhetoric and empty words and pat phrases.

OK, down off my soapbox!

Hey Ya'll!
~Mad(elyn) in Alabama

10:51 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for linking to Nick’s Bytes. I don’t believe that I would have found your blog if you had not. And I deeply appreciate your blog now that I have found it! Sooooo, I have now linked to your blog so I’ll not lose it.

I am in 100% agreement with your evaluation that “GREED drives the economy.”

Not long ago I encountered this quote by (I think) Robert Reich:

Today's capitalism has degenerated into a casino.

I believe that that says a whole lot!

3:29 PM  
Blogger Mountain Mama said...

Your article about greed sure hit the nail on the head. I hope a lot of people read it.

4:03 PM  
Blogger Mountain Mama said...

OOPS!!!! I forgot to thank you for your prayers for my niece Teresa. We appreciate them very much. Today I learned that she has multiple clots in both lungs. We pray the medication will dissolve them and she will be well soon.
Again, my sincere thanks.

4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep it's true. The whole housing-subprime thing was like a was swept under the carpet and left unregulated. All the brokers who were making the money knew these people couldn't afford these mortgages but only saw their commission checks. One woman left a comment on my post I wrote about the economy the other day saying she was an escrow officer and they were even using fake social security #'s for people. It's sickening and as a result I'm stuck in California when I should be living in Oregon because it's impossible to sell our house right now without taking a large financial hit. I'm bitter, can you tell?

Okay...the word verification I have to type in is usually a random bunch of numbers but the letters it gave me spells toxic...I think it's a sign.

4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen John! My bible study group is working on Isaiah. This past week we made our way through chapters 30-34. 34 is very timely: 18 In your thoughts you will ponder the former terror:
"Where is that chief officer?
Where is the one who took the revenue?
Where is the officer in charge of the towers?"

19 You will see those arrogant people no more,
those people of an obscure speech,
with their strange, incomprehensible tongue.

4:53 PM  
Blogger Carletta said...

Greed - a deadly sin.
Your post was right on Dr. John!

5:02 PM  
Blogger Carver said...

I love that shot of your dog. I agree that greed is at the root of many problems.

8:03 PM  
Blogger jmb said...

The sad part is that the non greedy people who have been living within their means and saving prudently are paying for the greed of the rest.

10:43 PM  
Blogger rhymeswithplague said...

I so agree with you about greed. But I think you have made a huge tactical error, maybe even a strategic one, a little further down in this post. What could have possibly possessed you not only to write this seven-word phrase:

"the moisturizing cream that keeps her beautiful"

but to hang it out there for the whole world to see? A better choice of words might be:

"the moisturing cream that she thinks keeps her beautiful, but that is entirely unnecessary"

I fervently hope we won't be seeing a picture of you sporting a big black eye where she hit you with the rolling pin.

6:23 AM  

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