Saturday, July 05, 2008

Internet " Facts"

Saying for the day: Getting information off the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant. ~Mitch Kapor

Today I perform my weekly public service. I give you fifteen internet facts . These are things that you can astonish your friends with. Of the fifteen “facts” one is a “real fact”. Past real facts have included the Mona Lisa has no eyebrows , Jimmy Carter was the first US. President to be born in a hospital., the original name of Bank of America was Bank of Italy, Gatorade was developed in Florida, the simplest and most popular cosmological model predicts that you have a twin in a galaxy about 10 to 10 to the 28 meters from here, the original Celsius scale had boiling at 0 and freezing at 100, a rampant Rhino tried to mate with a Renault Laguna in a British Safari Park, and The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, has pledged $300,000 to pay for the flying of one hundred paper airplanes from the International Space Shuttle back to earth.
. . But the facts I make up could be true. I am a really good maker upper. In any case you can tell your friends “ It must be true because I read it on the internet. Today’s list:

1. Martha Washington hosted the first fourth of July picnic.

2. Today’s firecrackers are smaller but much more powerful than those of fifty years ago.

3. President Herbert Hoover declared baseball to be the national sport on the fourth of July 1940.

4. The largest explosion in US history took place in 1951 near Columbus Ohio when the countries largest fireworks plant blew up just days before the 4th of July.

5. The color purple in fireworks comes from grape juice.

6. It is illegal to fire bottle rockets in all but four states.

7. If a firework is legal under federal law the state may not make it illegal.

8. It is illegal to sell butter shaped and colored like an American flag in Wisconsin.

9. Only five major league teams have won games in which they did not get a single hit.

10. Horseshoes not baseball is the game most often played on the fourth of July.

11. More fires have been caused by children playing with matches than by fireworks.

12. The hardest color to produce in a fireworks display is green.

13. The fourth of July though celebrated by the nation has never been declared by congress to be a national holiday.

14. During World War II major league baseball refused to play games on the fourth of July.

15. The number of people injured by fireworks every year is exceeded only by those hurt in automobile accidents.

There you have our fifteen internet facts. One is for sure true. The others could be because I make up good stuff. Can you pick out the “ real fact”. We will post the one “ true fact” tomorrow.

#### News from Pigeon Falls-The little town in my basement where the trains still run, dragons fly, and life is back to normal . Tammy is really upset. Yesterday during the fourth of July picnic at the Lake of the Loons the whale surfaced. Tommy UK put on his scuba gear and dived in. He was seen swimming behind the whale. When the whale divided Tommy UK dived. Neither one has surfaced since. Over and over Tammy is saying that she told him not to do it. She told him it was too dangerous. But he wouldn’t listen to her. No! big shot that he is he thought he knew everything. Now he is gone. Probably eaten by a whale. If he was to surface she would hug him and then kill him for not listening to her.
Along with the whale our dragon showed up on the fourth. It as if they knew it was a special day. Right after the regular fireworks they appeared . They did all kinds of stunts while breathing fire. It was magnificent. If you have never seen an aerial display by talented dragons you just haven’t lived.
The only sad thing is the White Rabbit didn’t show. Tammy and the Tommy Club are convinced that the reason for not showing is because the White Rabbit is a hoax. Tammy is also convinced that Mrs. Trumble is somehow connected to the hoax. She shot the White Rabbit and if it is a hoax she would know and have to be in on it.
At this moment, however, Tammy is so worried about Tommy UK she doesn’t care if the rabbit is or isn’t a hoax.
What has happened to Tommy UK? Will he ever be seen again? Is Mrs. Trumble part of a great hoax cover up? Will she be forced to resign as Mayor? If Tommy UK is gone forever will Tammy survive? And of course is Tommy UK really the undertaker’s kid

Today's Link-Finding Life's Enchantments- Recommended by Worldman
It seemed like a really long day. Betty left early in the morning and the house seemed so empty. She changed plans last night and decided to take our car instead of Pete's. Pennie checked in on me from time to time but twice she got called to the hospital. So the day sort of dragged by. Now I need a breathing treatment.


    Blogger Janets Planet said...

    What? No one it out searching the lake for Tommy? Not even his ---- dad?

    6:04 AM  
    Blogger LoieJ said...

    I'm picking #11. I guess just because there was a fire last week near here because of a kid playing with matches.

    The quote is so true, though. I have some "google alerts" set up to look for certain information on the 'net. I get listings of postings from several years ago that are worthless. There are too many hits when one does a search, again, because of old info, but also because there are these stupid websites that proport to help one search for businesses in towns, etc. It has gotten to the point that one needs some additional sorting device.

    6:42 AM  
    Blogger Lori's Minute said...

    Number 8. Luke likes the picture.

    Although I really think it is the baseball teams winning games without a hit.

    9:24 AM  
    Blogger Dragonstar said...

    Every one I come to I think is the right one. I'll just have to wait until you tell me. I love the Saying for the Day!

    I hope Tommy UK is OK. And your slideshow of Pigeon Falls is brilliant!!!

    11:04 AM  
    Blogger juliana said...

    this time i haven't a clue, not even about partly true statements...

    love the slideshow.

    and here's the eerie bit: just a couple of days ago 8 people drowned and 5 are still missing in an accident on one of our rivers, caused by irresponsible behaviour of the organiser who also died...

    12:51 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I have no doubt that Tommy will return having solved the mystery and revealed that his father is none other than the creature from the black lagoon, so Tommy has hidden gills and can breath under water.

    7:24 PM  
    Blogger Voegtli said...

    Weird things to exist. And that is why, this week, I am not able to find one. All could simply be true.

    8:43 PM  
    Blogger jmb said...

    They all sound quite reasonable to me but I will guess no 12, or 9 or .....

    8:50 PM  
    Blogger QUASAR9 said...

    It just doesn't quench the thirst

    1:58 AM  
    Blogger QUASAR9 said...

    Love the railway line and bits

    1:58 AM  
    Blogger Melli said...

    Oh I wiiiiiiiiish I had been there to see the dragons fly over! Darn! I'd have just loved to SEE that!

    Yea... I'm thinkin' Tommy just might have gotten himself into the belly of the whale! Hope he took a feather with him so he can tickle his way out when he finds out where they went and they get BACK to Pigeon Falls!

    By the way -- I am LOVIN' all these pictures you are showing of the layouts as they have been!

    12:26 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The quote is so true, though. I have some "google alerts" set up to look for certain information on the 'net. I get listings of postings from several years ago that are worthless. There are too many hits when one does a search, again, because of old info, but also because there are these stupid websites that proport to help one search for businesses in towns, etc. It has gotten to the point that one needs some additional sorting device.

    10:42 AM  

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