Tour the House
Today's Link
A Cup of Tea
Saying for the Day
Home is where you can say anything you like cause nobody listens to you anyway. ~Author Unknown
Picture of the Day
( From the archives)

Our Little Church

Betty's Angels

Our Socks hung by the Chimney with Care

Our Christmas Train
A Cup of Tea
Saying for the Day
Home is where you can say anything you like cause nobody listens to you anyway. ~Author Unknown
Picture of the Day
( From the archives)

Our Little Church

Betty's Angels

Our Socks hung by the Chimney with Care

Our Christmas Train

News from Pigeon Falls
Most of the people who left because of the shadow are back. They are thrilled to be able to celebrate Christmas in Pigeon Falls.Over at Last Lutheran Pastor Joan is putting the finishing touches on her sermon for tonight. Last Lutheran will have a service at 6:00 and at 9:00 . Pastor Joan wanted the late service to be at 11:15 so that the Communion would be received right around midnight but the Board turned her down. Thirty years ago it was at 11:30 then it was moved to 10:30, then to 10:00 and just five years ago to 9:00. People just don’t understand what they lost on going for the convenience of the earlier time, according to Pastor Joan. She remember as a child going to the late service with her grandfather. It just seemed holier. It was like you could hear the Spirit of God moving in the quietness of the church. But the Board was more interested in maximum attendance than in the depth of the Spirit in the service.
All over town kids are waiting for Santa to come with the Christmas loot. Here and there a parent will read the kids the Christmas Story from the Bible but the vast majority are more likely to hear the poem “ Twas the Night Before Christmas.”
Yes Pigeon Falls is back to normal.
Wrap Up
It snowed most of the day, I read and did some blogging. Betty wrapped the last of the gifts. I decided that given the way it was snowing it would be just too hard to get my scooter out at church so I stayed home this evening while Betty and Pennie went. If the storm stops I'll go to the Christmas day service tomorrow. Now I need a breathing treatment.
Its almost time for Santa Dr John. What a big tree in the picture today!!! Its beautiful. I really like the utube of the train..very nice!
Thank you for the tour of your home and to see all the pretty decorations.
Poor Pastor Joan, the board just does not understand how importance of that late service.
This year our church is having a candlelight service at 6:00 just for the children and their families. Come and go communion from 4-5:30pm and candlelight service at 11:00 ending at midnight. I go to a lovely old stone church called St. Lukes' United Methodist.
We have about 350 active members and that is going to be the hardest part of moving because I love the people at my church. From the custodians to the little kids, the pastor, my Sunday school class and everyone there. It is my home and I can not imagine not having my church.
Some good friends from my church are from Waskom, where we are moving to and she told me about her childhood church where they still have family go there and visit often. I am thankful.
Sorry, I did not mean to go on and on. Blessings Dr. John and Betty.
Seems to me like Pastor Joan and I are on the same page... and Pastor Paul and the congregation are on the same page... our late service will be at 11:00... and it will last just over an hour -- to get us into Christmas, Pastor says! I still can't get over not having a Christmas DAY service! He promises NEXT year there will be one. That's what he said last year too. And it IS all about attendance... he says HE would be there - but he can't get any ushers or accolytes or a choir to show up... *sigh* ... it's crazy!
I DO like the late service though... so, I guess I'm okay.
That tree from the archives is a fat fat roly poly one!!! I LOVE it! And I love your little spinny tree - but especially I love the train underneath! Engineered by a DRAGON?! Toooo cool!
Loved the photos Dr. John. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and may the New Year bring you Good Health and Happiness. xx
Merry Christmas Dr John and Betty. I received your Card in the post yesterday,
Thank you for thinking of me.
Wonderful photos! Thanks for sharing them. And your church looks beautiful.
I hope you and Betty and your family have a wonderful Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Dr John! Remember me? I just got to thinking of you and Betty with the holidays coming up. My son was playing with a Snoopy ornament you sent me last year. You guys always sent me such goodies:)
I hope you and the family are doing well:) We are in Virginia Beach now. Bought a house. My husband is in Afghanistan till July. I have been wanting to start a new blog for a few reasons. But time is an issue. If I get back to it I will let you know. Take care! Merry Christmas and GOD BLESS!
Love~Mimi (Mind Of Mimi)
I wish you and your family a happy and holy Christmas Dr John and hope you can get out to the church services to celebrate our Saviour's birth.
Not looking good here sadly.
Loved the pictures. And I agree that early evening services feel different. I still remember going to a mid-night service with my mother when I was a kid. It did seem more spiritual. Merry Christmas to all.
Merry Christmas Dr John and Betty!
God Bless you both.
a train running under a tree - how cool is that!
a happy christmas to you and yours!
Lovely photo's Dr John, and an inspiring post to warm the cockles of one's heart!
A very happy Christmas to you and yours, and may the life and light of Christ be yours always....
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