Sunday, June 24, 2007

One Last time at Being Right

Saying for the Day-If the dictionary doesn't spell like me then it's wrong.

For one last Sunday I am looking at the problems that come with being right. Today I want to call attention to the fact that our rightness often cuts us off from other people and from learning from other people. If , for example, I have the right answer on Global warming then I don’t have to listen to what you believe or the science behind what you believe.
A log time ago now a Jehovah’s Witness came to my home. He wanted to tell me why I should quit being Lutheran and he had Bible verses to back himself up. I offered him a deal. I would give him a half an hour to tell me why he believed what he believed. To tell me how he became a Jehovah’s Witness. He could tell me all about his faith without attacking mine and I would listen. Then I wanted him to listen to me for a half an hour. I would tell him how I became a Christian. I would not attack his faith. He turned me down because “ I don’t need to know about your faith.” At that point I said he would have to leave. There was no point in our throwing Bible verses at each other. He asked if he could leave some copies of his literature. I offered another deal. I would take his literature and promise to read it if he would take some of mine and promise to read it. Again he refused because he had no need to read my lies. So we learned nothing.
If what we believe to be right needs to be protected then ,perhaps, we aren’t really sure it’s right. Truth can protect itself.

@@@@ News from Pigeon Falls-The little town in my garage where the trains still run, dragons fly, and records are broken.-This morning members of Last Lutheran came to church to find an announcement in the bulletin that next Sunday Pastor Joan Castle would preach at both services. There would be lunch afterwards in the fellowship hall ( basement).
Yesterday Bobsled Maki got to ride his bull. In bull riding the object is to hold on with one hand, not fall off, and never touch yourself or the bull with the other hand. Points are given for the time, the style, and how active the bull is. The best you can get is 100 points and before yesterday onlyy one person had ever gotten that.
Old Bobsled sat on the back of his bull waiting for he gates to open. He looked a bit on the pale side. Then the gates opened and the bull charged out. Never had they seen a bull like this. It leaped and ran and leaped and bucked. All the while Bobsled held on with the one hand and the other hand was straight out. He looked like a statue. Then he bounced up into the air still holding and still not touching. He came back down on the bulls back while the crowd cheered. People seemed to understand something special was happening. The thirty seconds went by and the bull looked like it wasn’t going to slow down. They tried to get a rider to lift him off but the bull was having none of it . Suddenly Bobsled seemed to fly off the back of the bull and land on his feet running. But at that point the bull quieted down. They had never seen anyone get off a bull like that. The judges gave Bobsled 100 points.
The Rodeo people wanted to hire him on the spot to go with them on the tour . Bobsled, however, said that this was his last ride. He just wanted to prove he could do it.
Later to friends Bobsled confided that it was like some force held him on the bull and at the end lifted him off. He thinks it might have been Nancy’s poltergeist. In any case, he had his ride.

Today's Link-Step One.Com- An adventure in Chuck E. Cheese. (Funny) - Leave a Dr. John in the comment.
I had one of those really great days. Went to Church in the morning Heard that the Confirmation class served meals last week at the shelter. The youth group is building picnic tables for Habitat for Humanity, and we did a blockathon for the servant group. We raised $720. It was fun. In this church you learn young that your Baptism into Christ empowers you to serve others. In the afternoon my Son Peter and I built the first of three tables for the new train layout. Together we went to Menards and got the supplies. I designed the table and for the most part Peter built it. It was just one great day. If everything goes right there will be a movie from the blockathon in next Saturday's pictures of the week. I know my daughter took some and I wait to see them.
But now I need a breathing treatment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We don't get too many Jehovah's Witnesses around here. We do get a lot of Mormons, though, and I've had quite a few interesting chats with them. We've sat on the porch and talked about life and shared experiences and some about our religions. The year we were active in a Graham Crusade that came to town I even managed to send them on their way with a handful of pamphlets. :) You are right, it's all about being willing to talk and listen back and forth. You don't have to buy into it, just listen.

6:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go Bobsled! My old house was across the street from a Jehovah Witness elder named Jack. A very nice man, but so narrow in his beliefs. This was the best answer to JWs I've seen.

7:29 AM  
Blogger Margaret said...

You're gonna think I'm terrible. Truth is, I keep a live blessed garden hose/nozzle by my front door, hanging on the deck rail.

Sometimes stray dogs like to come trample in my flower beds or drop a big one on my lawn. Sometimes stray cats get to fighting outside my window. And sometimes JW's come around.

I douse 'em with kindness and truth. Funny thing, usually they jump, holler and yell obscenities and curses. They also seem to call out Jesus' name as they shout it over and over as they run away from me.

The best part, their door knocking campaign is over for the day and them have to go home and change out of their wet clothes.

I must warn you though, if you ever decide to try it. Make sure they reveal themselves as JW's first. You don't want to squirt down a politician accidently.

7:31 AM  
Blogger Catch said...

haha...Margaret certainly has a good way to deterr unwanted guests! I would just as soon squirt down a politician as any other guest! lol, they have a very narrow point of view too!!!

I am sorry your pool has a hole in did that happen? Walmart should take it back...its just such a pain to box it up and take it back...but they should give you a brand new one...if they dont...get loud...they will do anything to quiet you

8:46 AM  
Blogger Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Reading your post today about the JW's made me think of a very humorous story that happens about 35 years ago when we had a visit from a regular JW that came to visit.

The lady should have knew something was up when she was invited in as normally she'd be politely shooed away by Mum or Dad.

This day she was invited in by my sister who really tested her faith by asking her questions that pertained to why they didn't do this or that.

It also didn't help with me and my buds running in one door to get something and then heading out the other door with a great slam.

The lady left more frustrated leaving than when she arrived. I believe this was the last time she came a knocking at the door.

Thanks for the memory Dr John, you do know how to make a fellow's Sunday.

A Blessed Sunday for you and Betty is wished.

10:04 AM  
Blogger QUASAR9 said...

Strange but true
Life is a Comedy of Errors
All of us wanting to be right
all of us mostly in error & wrong
then again, time for another song

Oh but what a cacophony
If we had to listen to everyone's thoughts
Where, where that sweet harmony
when everyone ceases to be right or wrong

10:38 AM  
Blogger Louisiana said...

thank you for your and Betty's prayers. we are back at home. it was a semi ruptured cyst that was bleeding into ther abdomen. she will keep on healing and be back 100%.

i'm so glad you had a great day. i love reading such beautiful things.

about your post today, if you only knew how fitting it is for me to read it. being right, sometimes people risk all for it. how sad.

much love and many hugs. i miss reading your blog and hope to not miss any more post.

7:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad that Bobsled's new nickname isn't hoof-face.

8:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a way I'm kind of envious of people who have all of the answers to the universe and are bent on imposing them on the rest of us. It must be rather nice not to have to think, to grow, to discover.

Nah, probably not.

8:59 PM  

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