Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Cleaning the Desk

Saying for the Day: It is impossible to find anything on a clean desk.

It is Tuesday and my desk is a bit cluttered so I will try to clean it up.
First the Finnish words.
I am trying to find some way to get audio but I’m not very good at that kind of stuff.
So just hang in there or ignore it all together.

Somebody asked about where Finnish came from.
They wondered if it had Latin or Greek origins.
The answer is neither.
Finnish is a member of the Finno-Ugric language family and is typologically an agglutinative language.
It modifies and inflects the forms of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, numerals and verbs depending on their roles in the sentence.
Now wasn’t that helpful?

I am still phasing out this JCPOINTS system. Check HERE for your points and HERE for what you can get with them. Note I have added saffron buns.

I continue to work on the layout for this blog and trying to get some idea of where I want it to go.
I am giving some thought to giving Pigeon Falls a blog of its own..

I am also struggling with the format for the next blog marathon.

@@@@ Notes from Pigeon Falls– the little town in my garage where trains still run and dragons fly.-Eino turned the garage over to brother Toivo and took his wife and left for three days in New York. He felt he just needed to get away from Pigeon Falls and relax. He is planning on seeing a couple of plays and doing lots of sight seeing. He even plans on going to Ellis Island to see if he can find out what ship Grampa Jupola came over on from Finland. He is pretty sure he will see no dragons and no big White Rabbits in New York.
Toivo, you remember is the brother who got stuck rebuilding the pigeon statue after the original was destroyed in a storm. Nancy will have to tell that story to the town’s new resident writer. It isn’t everybody that can turn a bluebird into a pigeon.
Nancy says that one of the nice things about telling the stories to Tom is that they are all new to him. He seems to savor every one she tells. One wonders if all writers are such good listeners.
Our dragon and the White Rabbit have made no appearances since the dragon flew at New Years. Tommy, the undertaker’s kid says that they should try to figure out where the dragon and rabbit are when they aren’t making appearances. They have to be somewhere in the area. Unless , of course they are demons like Mrs. Trumble says. Then they just go back home . Or if they come from another dimension then they may go back there. It is mystery.
So life goes on in Pigeon Falls. Will we ever know anything about the dragon or the White Rabbit . What ever happened to the guy in Eino’s basement . Is Thomas Bradley IV just a writer. Is Tommy really the undertaker’s kid. Could Nancy be falling in love? Are there more of these questions we haven’t asked?

Today's Link-My Bloody Great Nutshell- Should he change jobs? Give him a little help. Remember to put the words Dr. John in the comment so they know who is really to blame.
Tried to blog this morning but blogger was down. So i recited the mantra. It is free. it is free. It is free one hundred times and I felt better. In the afternoon we left the fortress and did a little shopping. Now its time for a breathing treatment.


  1. Dr. John, don't clean your desk. Once you get it clean, it will be days before you can work at it comfortably again. Trust me on this. I've tried it.

  2. (Waving hands in air singing)

    Blogger is back up! Yeah Blogger is back up!

    If you need any help Dr. John don't hesitate to ask. I have lots of super tricks here in my magic hat.

  3. Hey! I just noticed you have saffron buns for sale! Oh so tempting to the tummy.

    That's just as bad as walking past that Cinnibon place they have in the mall. Get's me each and every time.

  4. Anonymous2:46 PM

    I'm with Quilldancer, Dr. John. Don't clean your desk...it stifles creativity.

    Good for Eino taking a vacation. If I were him I'd be more than ready to get away for a few days.

    Ooo...I already traded JC points for a ducky, but may I (pretty please with sugar and a cherry on top) put in for a saffron bun? I've never had one and have no idea what saffron tastes like, but you've waxed so poetically about them I'm dying to try one.

  5. clutter is conducive to creativity.

    and the link for today would not take my comment- apparently I am some evil spamming space nut. that or a malicious virus...

  6. Oh, don't remind me Dr. John - I have to clean my desk, yet again. It's a dirty job but someone's got to do it.

  7. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Thanks for the link to my site Dr John!

    Where did you find me?

    For everyone reading my site, the post Dr John is mentioning is a bit down the page now and is called "Having the kahunas to make a change"

  8. I know, I hate when blogger is down, it ruins my day. Anyway, trying to make my rounds, hoping it will brighten my spirits a little :0)

  9. Hi Dr John

    My desk is very cluttered. I like to think it has that "Lived in Look". I got things on my desk that date back to before my trip last September to visit my sister.

    Blessings for you and Betty for a wonderful week.

  10. I almost cleaned my desk yesterday, but I thought better of it.

    I hope Eino enjoys New York. It's my second favorite city in the world (next to Paris). They're both wonderful. I saw James Earl Jones in a play on Broadway when I was in New York.


  11. I crack up everytime you mention blogger is free...lol. Do you actually think anyone would pay for service like this???? lol

  12. Cleaning your desk always seems like a good idea until you do it - and then you wonder why. I can locate anything in the piles - when I put the piles away, I can't find anything! But my children and family get tired of stepping over the piles laid out around the computer!

  13. I'd like both snow globes and a saffron bun please.

  14. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Greetings im new here, I came upon this chat board I find It truly accommodating and its helped me out tons. I hope to give something back & aid others like it has helped me.

    Thanks Everyone, Catch You Around.
